最新版はこちら。 突っ込みは各日付の BBS エントリのほか、 メール (nakano@st.seikei.ac.jp) や フォーム からどうぞ。 なおスパム除けのため、BBS 機能には 緩い認証を入れて います。 検索エンジンから来た方は、エンジンの方のキャッシュを見るか、 下の簡易検索を試してみてください。
Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索 詳しくは 詳細指定/ヘルプを参照して下さい |
Chemtool is a GTK+-based 2D chemical structure editor for X11. Drawings can be exported in XFig format for further annotation, or as Postscript files (using xfig's companion program transfig). A set of sample molecular structure drawings is included in the archive. Changes: This release includes a template menu system with common compounds, a new bond-type for overlapping bonds, shortcuts for common labels, functions for scaling and deleting, a new helper program to determine sum forumla and molecular weighs, restoration of XBM output, improved text rendering, Czech and German localisation, and many bugfixes.
EasyChains is a very easy-to-use GUI for the console firewall script. It makes it easy to create a custom firewall using the firewall generator, or you can add and remove custom rules from a numbered list. You can generate a monitor for the console and for X. Changes: This release includes various firewall fixes, and better rule viewing.
rChains is a detailed, custom, ipchains ruleset that implements many features including most noteably, per host bandwidth monitoring via MRTG, and CGI log reports. Changes: Several functions are now included to make configuration easier, the scalability of the script has been improved, and the ability to include a list of hosts for the variable configuration rather than using DNS.
bashlib is a shell script that makes CGI programming in bash easier, or at least more tolerable. It contains a few functions that get called automatically to parse incoming form parameters, keywords, and cookies, and builtin functions to access this data. It is very well documented and can be extended very easily.
Matrix Math is software to quickly and easily compute functions of matrices of any size. It supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, inversion, division, and will support whatever else is necessary. Changes: Better documentation inside the code, a fix for the reduce_matrix() function, and discovery of serious bugs in the determinant() and inverse() functions.Changes を見るかぎりではまだまだな感じか?
Changes: A fix for a bug handling literal IP addresses in tunnel and target specifications.
gtranslator is a translation framework for the GNOME project. It supports comfortable editing of the po files without the fear of losing them. Changes: Smaller enhancements, more logical handling of special po.gz/mo files, little usability fixes, better dist&build, less leaks, and an advanced history mechanism.
pkgusage lists all the packages you have installed on your system, along with a number telling you how many days ago you last accessed any of the files in the package. This could be useful for cleaning out your hard drive. Pkgusage currently supports only RPMs, but is written to be easily portable to other package managers as well. Changes: Support for Debian (.deb) packages.うひひ。
pkgwrite can make both redhat and debian packages from a single control file. It can make packages that are split into parts (clients and servers, development and user portions, etc) as well as handling packages that require multiple compilations (eg with different configure options). It tries to insulate the user from any specific details about either of the supported packaging systems. Changes: Support for symlinks, fixing behavior regarding changelog.Debian.gz.
Atomic beams can act like light waves and exhibit all of the classic wave effects, like interference and refraction. But atoms are usually guided with electromagnetic fields, not the solid materials that make lenses and mirrors. Now a Japanese physicist has demonstrated in the 5 February PRL that very cold atoms can reflect off of a solid surface the way light reflects from a mirror, rather than scattering in all directions. The results provide a new confirmation for the theory of so-called quantum reflection and a rare probe of the long-distance Casimir interaction between the atoms and the surface. The work could also pave the way for simpler atom manipulation equipment engineered from solids. (Fujio Shimizu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 987 )清水先生だ。
Static friction is everywhere. It's in that little extra shove at the beginning of a wild downhill sled ride and the first big push that starts a heavy piece of furniture rolling across the floor. But according to the modern microscopic theory of interacting surfaces, it shouldn't exist at all. Now, in the 12 February PRL, a team of physicists has built an analytic theory, backed up with detailed numerical modeling, that may explain why virtually every pair of surfaces lock together and resist sliding. The key is that impurities like dust, dirt, and stray molecules, coat nearly every surface and prevent smooth motion. (Martin H. Muser et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1295 )
Two new papers offer a detailed explanation for a baffling experiment published three years ago, in which much larger-than-expected amounts of light passed through a silver-coated quartz barrier with tiny openings: namely, a periodic array of 150-nm holes up to 10 times smaller than the wavelength of the light sent through. This bodes well for scaling down optical devices to nanometer dimensions.
○プリンタ一覧に[通常使うプリンタ]を追加。 ○段組みの時に[強制改頁]機能を追加。 ・エラーメッセージで、[いいえ]ボタンが2つ出てくることがあった。 ・プリンタがインストールされていないと起動時にハングアップすることがあっ た。 ・書式の文字列値に「"」を入力し保存すると、読み込んだ時に空になっていた。 ・プリンタの選択・設定だけを変更して終了すると、変更した内容が保存されなか った。 ・Windows 2000,Meで、[ファイル]-[プリンタフォルダ]が動作しなかった。 ・偶数ページの時のマージンの入れ換えを指定していると、3ページ以降の印刷位 置がおかしくなった。 ・アイコントレイに登録したネットワークプリンタアイコンが保存されなかった。
要約すると net-tools_1.58-1 の ifconfig が完全に壊れてて 使い物に ならない(ネットワーク使えなくなる)ので、バグが直るまで hold することを 強くおすすめするということです。
unstable を使ってる人のみ関係します(woody or それ以前のものは net-tools_1.57-1 ですので)。
最近注目を集めるサーチエンジンに Googleがある。 現CEOの L. Page と社長の S. Brin が米ス タンフォード大学在籍中に 開発した検索エンジンによるサービスである。 1998年にサービスを開 始したが、Netscape Communications は Google が まだ試験段階だった頃から提携しており、米 Yahoo! も2000年6月にデフォ ルト・サーチエンジン(米Yahoo!で検索できない場合に補完する役割 のエ ンジン)として提携関係にあった Inktomi を Google に切り替えている。 日本語版は2000年9月 に正式に登場したが、すでに BIGLOBE が採用している。
Google の評判の良さは、その検索結果表示の適格さにある。 そのための技術の一つがページ 重要度の自動判定技術である「PageRank」であり、 別のものが関連ページ検索技術である 「GoogleScout」である。 このページでは、この二つの技術のうち PageRank システムに注目し、 そ の概要をできるだけわかりやすい言葉で説明することを目的とする。cool.
dhcpcd is an RFC2131-, RFC2132-, and RFC1541-compliant DHCP client daemon. It gets an IP address and other information from the DHCP server, automatically configures the network interface, and tries to renew the lease time according to RFC2131 or RFC1541. Changes: Fixes for compilation with 2.0.x kernels, and addition of 0x0 to the end of ClientID and ClassID options in the DHCP message.
findimagedupes is a command-line utility which performs a rough "visual diff" on two images or a whole tree to detect if any look similar. It can produce output suitable for driving GUI front-ends. It can also export a GQView compatible collection file, so you can deal with the duplicates visually. On common image types, findimagedupes seems to be around 98% accurate. Changes: This release includes bugfixes so findimagedupes now works on Debian and Mandrake 7.2. New features include automatic rescanning if the image database is empty or not present, various performance enhancements, and a new mode that produces output suitable for driving GUI front-end apps.
The GNOME Installation Guide was written to help unfamiliar users install a stable GNOME system that includes more than the default applications. It teaches readers how to compile GNOME on their own instead of installing precompiled packages. It also covers installation of extra GNOME programs, both those hosted by the GNOME project and those which are not.
Mah-Jong is a set of three programs comprising a networked Mah-Jong game, a graphical client for humans, and a basic computer player. The game can be played by four humans, by a human and three computer players, or any other combination. The version of Mah-Jong is that generally called Chinese Classical. It should not be confused with the solitaire games such as xmahjongg. Changes: This release fixes a serious bug in the handling of kongs declared in the dealt hand, before start of play. No replacement tile was given, leaving the player with a short hand.
FreSSH is a free implementation of the SSH communication protocol. It is compact, modular, portable, and designed for security and performance. It is a completely new implementation. Unlike various other SSH implementations already available for Unix, it does not trace its ancestry to the original SSH code written by Tatu Ylonen. FreSSH currently implements SSH protocol version 1.5, with extensions which offer enhanced security when both sides of a connection are running FreSSH.(0.3)
Changes: FreSSH 0.3 is the initial and final release of a scaled-down ssh version 1 single-threaded server. It is no longer maintained, however is compact which makes it useful for embedded systems and the like.(0.8)
Changes: This is the initial release of the server/client version of FreSSH.
deb http://security.debian.org/ potato/updates main contrib non-freeが入った状態で apt-get update/upgrade したらズババと置き換わったようだが、 これでいいのだろうか? (←思考停止)
Mojibake (Japanese word ???? which mean literally Ghost Characters or Disguised Characters; an ideogram '?' has meaning of both of 'change' and 'ghost', which expresses a concept that a ghost of what a dead person is changed into.) is a phenomenon which occurs when a software fails to handle encoding or font properly.
Changes: Fixes for some bugs and improved compatibility with the forthcoming Autoconf-2.50.
dhcp-dns is a small Perl script that updates a BIND DNS with dynamic information from ISC's DHCPD. Changes: The program now requires Dan Bernstein's djbdns.
Firewall is a set of scripts (firewall, fwup, and fwdown) that implement an ipchains firewall and various forms of network address and port translation. All you have to do is read the policy file and edit it to reflect your topology and filtering policy. It supports many different types of network topology (single host, traditional forwarding, masquerading, port forwarding, alias port forwarding and NAT), up to 10 untrusted interfaces each with their own policy, and over 50 network applications. Changes: A fix for bad tempfile creation with ipchains-Q.最近こういうの多いですな。
scanssh scans a list of addresses and networks for running SSH servers and their version numbers. scanssh supports random selection of IP addresses from large network ranges and is useful for gathering statistics on the deployment of SSH servers in a company or the Internet as whole. Changes: Working randomization.くらっくつーる?
Changes: Danish messages, fixes to make gcc happy, a fix for more on parisc, changes to rdev to search subdirectories of /dev, a ul fix, setting columns correctly, a cal fix, a fix for overflowing the weekday array in Gaelic, fdisk fixes, and stdout flushing. Changes to login to make the default tty mode 0600, script refuses to write typescript if that is a symlink and accepts -V to output version, whereis also searches /usr/share/man, improved locale handling and a fix for Nautilus, and addition of isosize.
dvips -o thesis.ps thesis.dvi This is dvipsk 5.78 p1.4d Copyright 1996-2000 ASCII Corp.(www-ptex@ascii.co.jp) %dvipsk 5.78 Copyright 1998 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) ' TeX output 2001.02.15:0255' -> thesis.ps kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode ljfour --bdpi 600 --mag 1+32/600 --dpi 632 rml mktexpk: Running mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1+32/600; nonstopmode; input rml This is METAFONT, Version 2.7182 (Web2C 7.3.1) kpathsea: Running mktexmf rml <*> ...four; mag:=1+32/600; nonstopmode; input rml Please type another input file name <*> ...four; mag:=1+32/600; nonstopmode; input rml Transcript written on mfput.log. grep: rml.log: そのようなファイルやディレクトリはありません mktexpk: `mf \mode:=ljfour; mag:=1+32/600; nonstopmode; input rml' failed to make rml.632pk. kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log. dvips: Font rml not found, using cmr10 instead. make: *** [thesis.ps] セグメンテーション違反ですとなってしまった。検索したら こういうこと らしい。
# apt-get remove dvipsk-ja # apt-get install dvipsk-jaで復帰。 しかし
deborphan finds packages installed on your Debian/GNU system that have no other packages depending on them. Its primary goal (and default action) is to trace unused libraries. Changes: Several bugfixes and new features.debfoster に刺激されたのだろうか :-)
IP Accounting Daemon (ipa) allows one to do IP accounting based on IP Firewall or IP Filter accounting rules. It supports limits for accounting rules and limits events as "limit is reached", "reached limit is expired", etc. It also has a flexible configuration file with many sections and options. Changes: A fix for a core dump bug, and a fix for bug when some command in exec parameter wrote to unopened descriptors (for example stderr), then files in the database could be damaged.
The sysstat package contains the sar, mpstat, and iostat commands for Linux. The sar command collects and reports system activity information. This information can also be saved in a system activity file for future inspection. The iostat command reports CPU statistics and I/O statistics for tty devices and disks. The statistics reported by sar concern I/O transfer rates, paging activity, process-related activites, interrupts, network activity, memory and swap space utilization, CPU utilization, kernel activities, and TTY statistics, among others. Both UP and SMP machines are fully supported. Changes: An improved Iostat command which takes full advantage of an I/O accounting patch to display extended statistics (option -x). The default value for the count parameter of the sar command is now 1. A value of 0 will indicate that reports are to be generated continuously. The code is cleaner, and always uses 'double' numbers instead of the INT_PART, INT_VAL, DEC_PART, and DEC_VAL macros. Jiffies are not assumed to be 100ths of a second; the Linux HZ definition is used instead. NLS is updated, and a new Isag (Interactive System Activity Graph) command was added.
_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111なエラーで接続できなくなっていた。 しばらく悩んでいたのだが、 今日 Remote X Apps mini-HOWTO を読み、ふと netstat -a したら x11 ポート (6000/tcp) を LISTEN していなかった。
exec X -dpi 100 -nolisten tcpと書いてあった。
Many people do not need to enable TCP port listening in their X servers; if you do, for instance to display remote X clients to your local X server, you can edit /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc to remove the "-nolisten tcp" option. Note that editing this file has no effect on X servers started with xdm or other display managers.という記述を発見。
\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{book} \usepackage[dvips]{graphics} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{cite} \usepackage{fancyheadings} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{subfigure} \usepackage{tabularx}The LaTeX コンパニオン 万歳。楽して論文書きたい人には必携本。 debian だと tetex-extra まで入れれば全部揃うしね :-)
BotNet is a library written in C, intended to assist in development of an IRC bot (or even an IRC client). It provides an easy-to-use model of communication with the IRC server by giving you string-sending functions and by returning messages from the IRC server into events to your application's main(). It also contains functions for easy DCC CHAT and SEND connections and an excess flood protection mechanism. Changes: This release adds CTCP query to channels and an optimized CTCP function, a -D_REENTRANT to configure, a new option --enable-nonstd to enable non-standard ircd compatibility, and a BN_SendPartMessage function. It changes a memcpy to a memmove in botnet.c. It fixes a wrong Tls Allocation in the windows code, a small memory leak when disconnecting/reconnecting, a parse message function, and some bugs that caused segfaults for some non-standard ircds.
pisg is a smart Perl script which generates statistics from IRC logfiles. Changes: This release adds new features to "Big Numbers" and adds "Last topics", some small speedup improvements, and fixes for small logfiles.
ClusterNFS is a set of patches for the "Universal NFS Daemon" (UNFSD) to allow multiple diskless clients to nfs mount the same root filesystem by providing "interpreted" file names. When a client requests the file "/path/filename" , the ClusterNFS server checks for the existence of files of the form "/path/filename$$KEY=value$$". If such a file exists and the client has a matching value for KEY, this file is returned. If the client does not have a matching value or no such file exists, the file request proceeds as normal. Currently supported keys include, HOST (hostname), IP (IP number), UID (user id), GID (group id), and CLIENT (matches any nfs client).
Changes: Header cleanups, use of the tool in the conform/ subdir, regex correctly handles multibyte character sets, iconv conforms to the upcoming XPG6 and handles charmaps, and the locale program provides detailed information about the installed locales.
Granulate can split files in situations where GNU split would fail due to insufficient disk space. In order to use GNU split to split a 500MB file, you must have 500MB of disk space free. Granulate can do the same job with only 5MB free.
Changes: This release makes output from the remote file list nicer, prevents runaway CPU usage on some systems, fixes a memory handling bug in flist.c that caused crashes, adds better LFS support for some OSes (for 64 bit file sizes), and adds a --modify-window option.
Option "Buttons" "5" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"を追加。
Chainmail is intended to be a simple replacement for sendmail on workstations. It requires no configuration, and depends only on Perl. Changes: Fork throttling, better debug messages and logging, better bounce messages, and bugfixes. A new ability to inject unmodified text into an SMTP server with --no-parse, and bounce messages are kept.
Changes: This release includes improvements to threshold checking, more tolerance towards broken SNMP agents, some minor bugfixes, improved documentation, and new and updated contributions.
Changes: A fix for a bug in the net-tools 1.58 release that made ifconfig unusable for many people.
webalizer (logfile)によってログを処理する。
Hwclock is a program that runs under Linux and sets and queries the Hardware Clock, which is often called the Real Time Clock, RTC, or CMOS clock. This is the program that most Linux systems use to get the time from the Hardware Clock and set the System Time at boot time. This program works on ISA (Intel), Alpha, and M68K systems with or without /dev/rtc. Changes: This release avoids the hang (usually a boot time hang) on machines with broken rtc drivers by timing out after 2 seconds waiting for the clock interrupt, then falling back to a non-interrupt clock access method. Changes since Release 2.9 include fixes of compile errors on Sparc, improvements to the accuracy of the --adjust function, and correct handling of daylight savings time with GNU libc 2.util-linux から独立したんか?
Directory administrator is an application, written in C with the GTK+ toolkit, to easily manage UNIX users, groups, and extra information about them in an LDAP directory.
The program funct is devoted to the (numerical) study of real or complex functions f(x) of one real variable x. It can produce graphics on X11 windows, Postscript files, or PNG files. funct uses the command interpreter library interpcom.計算表示だけなら gnuplot より高機能かな。 でも matlab があれば普通そっちだよな。
Changes: This is a development release that fixes a bug in the text importer and a problem with sheet object creation. It also replaces the style engine, providing an enourmous speedup.
libhtmlparse is an HTML parsing library written in ANSI C that helps you parse HTML documents. It calls certain callbacks that you define whenever something in the document is found. Changes: An end tag function that is called for XML tags such as <hr />, a fix for a memory leak in parseStartTag, and a fix for a bug that causes library to refuse tags like <hr/> without a space between the / and the tag name.
オープンソースまつり 2001 in 秋葉原 開催にあわせ、FreeBSDを使用しているまたは興味のある方を対 象に、Web上で アンケートを実施します。実施期間は1ヶ月とし2001年3月10日をもって締め切らせて頂 き、 それ以降アンケート集計結果を広く公開致します。 FreeBSDの利用環境をより良くするため、アン ケート集計結果を商用、非商用を問わず 活用して頂ければ幸いです。