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A complete HOWTO on Usenet news.
This document aims to outline the steps of how to migrate an existing (Red Hat) Linux install onto a Promise TX2 Card for the purposes of RAID-1 Mirroring. Although I am concentrating on Red Hat, the same principles may be applied to any other distribution.
grtime 0 reg 1 2 5 smooth 5 xraysat % Cu reg 1 exp -938:-928 % In reg 2 exp -448:-440 % Mo reg 5 exp -236:-225 reg 1 2 5 shirley peakareaこれを PHIMAT\CIMAREA.P という名前で保存。 そんでもって PHIMAT\mkcim.sh というシェルスクリプトを
#!/bin/sh echo pcw for c in 550 600 625 650 675 700 do for p in b a do for n in 1 2 do file=$c$p$n echo open pmidata\\$file echo cat CIMAREA.P echo table $file echo save c$file.pcw echo close echo done done doneてな感じで書き、この結果を CUINMO.P にリダイレクトして PHI-Matlab から実行。 c$file の c は cooked のつもり。