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2002年11月07日(木) [n年日記]

#1 [paper] PRB 66(15)

Surfactant-mediated growth of an ordered flat film of an intrinsic liquid metal on a semiconductor surface: Ga on Si(111)-4×1-In:

The morphology and atomic depth distribution of Ga films grown on Si(111)-7×7 and -4×1-In surfaces at room temperature were studied by using reflection high-energy electron diffraction and characteristic x-ray measurements as functions of glancing angle g of the incident electron beam. Ga grew into liquid droplets on the Si(111)-7×7 surface, as it does on many other semiconductors. On the other hand, on the 4×1-In surface, Ga grew into an ordered flat film and In floated to the uppermost layer during the growth process of Ga. The resultant top In layer and Ga-Si interface had /2×/2 and 5×5 periodicities, respectively.

Optimum Cu buffer layer thickness for growth of metal overlayers on Si (111):

Thin Cu films deposited on Si(111) surfaces may serve as excellent substrates for uniform or epitaxial growth of other metallic layers. The initial deposition of Cu on Si(111) leads to the formation of reacted layers building a chemical phase on the surface that saturates or stabilizes after deposition of the equivalent of 6 ML of unreacted Cu. Photoemission with synchrotron radiation shows that for further Cu deposition a perfect Cu film with a surface state and clear signs of quantum-well states are forming. The growth of thin Ag layers on such a Cu buffer phase leads to well-ordered films with optimally sharp Ag quantum-well levels.

Full-potential KKR calculations for MgO and divalent impurities in MgO:

We present a detailed investigation of bulk properties of MgO and lattice relaxations around divalent impurities in MgO by means of the full-potential Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green's function method. The local-density approximation and the perturbative generalized gradient corrections are used to calculate the lattice constant and bulk modulus of MgO. We obtain a very good description of the ground properties of MgO. Lattice relaxations around divalent impurities in MgO are determined using an ionic version of the Hellmann-Feynman theorem.
Lattice Const, Bulk Moduli の table がある。

#2 [URL] 鉄を燃やす?ふしぎな液体

Why is liquid oxygen magnetic? とか。

#3 GoTECH reject rule

applied. ただし score は 10。ふざけんな、というかんじで。

#4 さむい


#5 [paper] Influence of film characteristics on the sputtering rate of MgO

IEICE も pdf 公開してるよ、と電気の門馬さんに教えていただいた。すばらしい。
We investigated the relationship between the film characteristics and the sputtering rate of the MgO protecting layer in AC-PDP. As possible elements for determining the sputtering rate, we considered the density, orientation, and surface morphology. With respect to the orientation, we found that the sputtering rate increased for the sequence of (200) < (220) < (111). However, we noticed that orientation and surface structure are not really decisive factors affecting the sputtering rate; the density of the film is most important.


また,試行期間中に関しましては,特別に,“IEICE Transactions Online”システムの利用料金は,すべて無料と致しました.なお,試行期間の終了後に関しましては,電子購読料を設定し,IEICE Transactions Onlineによるコンテンツ提供サービスの利用料を徴収することとし,電子的閲覧に関する課金を予定しております.

#6 [dept] 物理情報第三実験 第三クール 2 回目

つつがなく 17:00 に終了。 なかなかフレンドリーなグループで楽しかった。

#7 [JF] Multi-Disk-HOWTO

GFDL に変わったようだ。 ちょっとの変更 だったので、実験の待ち時間+αで追従してみた。

#8 [proverb] 今日のひとこと

<f*****> わしも下り坂でペダル漕ぎますが何か

<m*****> 人生下り坂なので
<m*****> これ以上ペダル漕いだらえらいことになるな

#9 [labo] アートビジネス高城さん来室


4 年生を待っていた時間 *1 に見直して ML にポスト。
*1: 結局今日は 2 人見ただけだったが。
コメント [全部読む/投稿する]

以上、1 日分です。
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