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Let us take a moment and ask ourselves: Why, on an Internet that was originally designed to survive a nuclear holocaust, is this DNS thing seemingly so vulnerable?
The reason is pretty obvious: Nearly every other part of the Internet is based on the concept that the individual parts should be able to operate independently. But of all the parts of the Internet, the Domain Name System has a clear heart, a singular point from which all other parts radiate. On most of the net, if one damages a part, the rest of the net will remain and will function. With DNS as it is presently deployed, if one damages the heart, then the rest of DNS becomes uprooted and lost.
Changes: This, the "Pumpkin" release, can sync with NetBSD 1.6, and includes drivers for USB, RAID cards, Gigabit Ethernet, and Token Ring, As a Halloween special, it comes with an ISO image file in addition to a floppy image, so it can be booted from a CD instead of a floppy.
Bulk, single-crystal ZnO was etched in Cl2/Ar and CH4/H2/Ar inductively coupled plasmas as a function of ion impact energy. For CH4/H2/Ar, the etch rate (R) increases with ion energy (E) as predicted from a model of ion enhanced sputtering by a collision?cascade process, R∝(E^0.5-E), where the threshold energy, ETH, is ~96 eV. Band edge photoluminescence intensity decreases with incident ion energy in both chemistries, with a 70% decrease even for low energies (~116 eV). Surface roughness is also a function of ion energy with a minimum at ~250 eV, where Auger electron spectroscopy shows there is no measurable change in near-surface stoichiometry from that of unetched control samples.
Rotated ripple structures (RRS) on sputter-eroded surfaces are potential candidates for nanoscale wire fabrication. We show that the RRS can form when the width of the collision cascade in the longitudinal direction is larger than that in the transverse direction and the incident angle of ion beam is chosen in a specific window. By calculating the structure factor for the RRS, we find that they are more regular and their amplitude is more enhanced compared to the much studied ripple structure forming in the linear regime of sputter erosion.
We simulated a growth model in 1+1 dimensions in which particles are aggregated according to the rules of ballistic deposition with probability p or according to the rules of random deposition with surface relaxation (Family model) with probability 1-p. For any p>0, this system is in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class, but it presents a slow crossover from the Edwards-Wilkinson class (EW) for small p. From the scaling of the growth velocity, the parameter p is connected to the coefficient of the nonlinear term of the KPZ equation, lambda, giving lambda ~ p^gamma, with gamma = 2.1 +- 0.2. Our numerical results confirm the interface width scaling in the growth regime as W ~ lambda^beta t^beta, and the scaling of the saturation time as tau ~ lambda^(-1) L^z, with the expected exponents beta =1/3 and z=3/2 and strong corrections to scaling for small lambda. This picture is consistent with a crossover time from EW to KPZ growth in the form t_c ~ lambda^(-4) ~ p^(-8), in agreement with scaling theories and renormalization group analysis. Some consequences of the slow crossover in this problem are discussed and may help investigations of more complex models.
This document is a guide to Valgrind, the malloc debugger.* NEW entry
This article explains some of the difficulties and biases women face in the Linux community and examines various strategies for addressing those difficulties in order to encourage more participation by women.* NEW entry
We introduce an approach in which results from atomistic simulations are combined with discrete dislocation dynamics simulations of crack-tip plasticity. The method is used to study the effects of dislocation pinning due to grain boundaries or secondary particles on the fracture behavior of aluminum. We find that the fracture resistance is reduced with decreasing pinning distance. The results show that the pinning of the dislocations causes a net decrease in the shear stress projected on the slip plane, preventing further dislocation emission. Semibrittle cleavage occurs after a certain number of dislocations is emitted.
The phenomenally large enhancement in conductivity observed when Li-doped MgO crystals are oxidized at elevated temperatures was investigated by dc and ac electrical measurements in the temperature interval 250-673 K. The concentration of [Li]0 centers (substitutional Li+ ions each with a trapped hole) resulting from oxidation was monitored by optical absorption measurements. At low electric fields, dc measurements reveal blocking contacts. At high fields, the I-V characteristic is similar to that of a diode connected in series with the bulk resistance of the sample. Low-voltage ac measurements show that the equivalent circuit for the sample consists of the bulk resistance in series with the junction capacitance connected in parallel with a capacitance, which represents the dielectric constant of the sample. Both dc and ac experiments provide consistent values for the bulk resistance. The electrical conductivity of oxidized MgO:Li crystals increases linearly with the concentration of [Li]0 centers. The conductivity is thermally activated with an activation energy of (0.70±0.02) eV, which is independent of the [Li]0 content. The standard semiconducting mechanism satisfactorily explains these results. Free holes are the main contribution to band conduction as they are released from the [Li]0-acceptor centers. In as-grown MgO:Li crystals (without [Li]0 centers) the electrical current increases with time as [Li]0 centers are being formed. When ample [Li]0 centers are formed, an activation energy of 0.7 eV was observed. At sufficiently high current, Joule heating thermally destroys the [Li]0 centers.
Open-source licenses are not all created equal. Gartner identifies the main differences between different types of open-source license and answers common questions.zdnet だから、そのうち邦訳が出るかな。
The morphology and atomic depth distribution of Ga films grown on Si(111)-7×7 and -4×1-In surfaces at room temperature were studied by using reflection high-energy electron diffraction and characteristic x-ray measurements as functions of glancing angle g of the incident electron beam. Ga grew into liquid droplets on the Si(111)-7×7 surface, as it does on many other semiconductors. On the other hand, on the 4×1-In surface, Ga grew into an ordered flat film and In floated to the uppermost layer during the growth process of Ga. The resultant top In layer and Ga-Si interface had /2×/2 and 5×5 periodicities, respectively.ほー。
Thin Cu films deposited on Si(111) surfaces may serve as excellent substrates for uniform or epitaxial growth of other metallic layers. The initial deposition of Cu on Si(111) leads to the formation of reacted layers building a chemical phase on the surface that saturates or stabilizes after deposition of the equivalent of 6 ML of unreacted Cu. Photoemission with synchrotron radiation shows that for further Cu deposition a perfect Cu film with a surface state and clear signs of quantum-well states are forming. The growth of thin Ag layers on such a Cu buffer phase leads to well-ordered films with optimally sharp Ag quantum-well levels.
We present a detailed investigation of bulk properties of MgO and lattice relaxations around divalent impurities in MgO by means of the full-potential Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green's function method. The local-density approximation and the perturbative generalized gradient corrections are used to calculate the lattice constant and bulk modulus of MgO. We obtain a very good description of the ground properties of MgO. Lattice relaxations around divalent impurities in MgO are determined using an ionic version of the Hellmann-Feynman theorem.Lattice Const, Bulk Moduli の table がある。
We investigated the relationship between the film characteristics and the sputtering rate of the MgO protecting layer in AC-PDP. As possible elements for determining the sputtering rate, we considered the density, orientation, and surface morphology. With respect to the orientation, we found that the sputtering rate increased for the sequence of (200) < (220) < (111). However, we noticed that orientation and surface structure are not really decisive factors affecting the sputtering rate; the density of the film is most important.
また,試行期間中に関しましては,特別に,“IEICE Transactions Online”システムの利用料金は,すべて無料と致しました.なお,試行期間の終了後に関しましては,電子購読料を設定し,IEICE Transactions Onlineによるコンテンツ提供サービスの利用料を徴収することとし,電子的閲覧に関する課金を予定しております.か。
<f*****> わしも下り坂でペダル漕ぎますが何か
<m*****> 人生下り坂なので
<m*****> これ以上ペダル漕いだらえらいことになるな
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logging { category lame-servers{ null; }; };を /etc/bind/named.conf に追加。
Changes: ksymoops support for the sbss section has bee nadded. Include can handle multiple files with globbing.
An atom or molecule can be stimulated by light to change from one energy state to another. An atom or molecule in an excited energy state can also decay spontaneously to a lower state. The probability of an atom or molecule changing states depends on the nature of the initial and final state wavefunctions, how strongly light can interact with them, and on the intensity of any incident light. This document discusses some of the practical terms used to describe the probability of a transition occuring, which is commonly called the transition strength. To a first approximation, transitions strengths are governed by selection rules which determine whether a transition is allowed or disallowed. Practical measurements of transitions strengths are usually described in terms of the Einstein A and B coefficients or the oscillator strength (f).ふむ。この辺がちゃんと書いてある教科書ってないかのお。