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Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索
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2004年08月11日(水) [n年日記]

#1 帰り


#2 行き


#3 [Windows] spybot

どうも updata を取ってこないな、と思ってたら 1.3 になっていたのか。 37 個ほどの problem を cleanup した。

#4 [book] Postfix 詳解

買わねば。この本が出てくれたなら、 sarge で exim が 4 になることだし *1 postfix に乗り換えてみようかと思う今日この頃。
*1: んでどうも sid で見てる限りだと exim4 の設定ってまた面倒そうだし。

#5 [labo] qcm データ整理

久々に perl script などをいじりつつ、 春の測定のうち応物に使わなかったぶんをマッタリと集計。 parameter matirx にして 5 次元、1000 個以上のファイルがあったので、 なかなか手をつける気にならなかったのだが、それにしてもやるのが遅すぎるな。

XTC で桁溢れが起きたやつについては ここ 注意。+10 ではなく、+(10/16.2*15.74)=+9.716 を足してやると least sq. fit したときの R が良くなる。 どっかで電圧降下が起きてたのか。

とりあえず Al, Mo, Cu の圧力別 T-S dep. を印刷するとこまで。 18 枚。やれやれ。
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2004年08月12日(木) [n年日記]

#1 帰り


#2 行き


#3 [labo] 分光測定


RF が灯かなかったので、Ar 10 Pa、O2 0〜8sccm の条件で DC 50W で放電させて測定。 結果は ~/data/04oes/20040812.xls

#4 [labo] qcm データ整理

いくつか例外データの処理。とりあえずここまでのところで バキュームプロダクツに fax。

#5 [labo] RF matching box


…放電しない。 box の C の変化が SWR に現われない。むー。 L をいじってみるといいのかなあ。

#6 [paper] White light emission from transparent SiO2 glass prepared from nanometer-sized silica particles

SiCl4 を flame で加水分解して作ったパウダー ("fumed silica" というらしい) をプレス、焼成して作ったらしい。
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2004年08月13日(金) [n年日記]

#1 応物

聞きに行くだけになっちゃうけど、先月末に boss に OK もらったので行くことにした。 といわけで宿の予約。+misc/3231。

#2 帰り

原付。連雀通りでタクシーが電柱に正面衝突して大破していた (もう警察は来ていたが)。

#3 時差調整

起きたら夕方。さすがにこのままだとまずいので、 眠れるだけ眠ることにする。
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2004年08月14日() [n年日記]

#1 時差調整

暑かった。 クーラーを28℃設定にして引き籠り。 起きてるあいだはずっと鬼平犯科帳を再読。
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2004年08月15日() [n年日記]

#1 休み

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2004年08月16日(月) [n年日記]

#1 時差調整

7:00 起床。続くかどうかだが…

#2 行き

晴れてたけど気温はまだ低かったので自転車にしてみた。av. 20.0 km/h。

#3 メール


#4 [paper] 今日拾った論文

気付かなかったんだけど、AIP からくる Alert Mail の html 版だと、 認証なしで PDF が見られるようだ。うーむすばらしい。gmail 様々。

Role of microstructure in porous silicon gas sensors for NO2:

Electrical conductivity of porous silicon fabricated from heavily doped p-type silicon is very sensitive to NO2, even at concentrations below 100 ppb. However, sensitivity depends strongly on the porous microstructure. The structural difference between sensitive and insensitive samples is independently confirmed by microscopy images and by light scattering behavior. A way to change the structure is by modifying the composition of the electrochemical solution. We have found that best results are achieved using ethanoic solutions with HF concentration levels between 12% and 13%
ふーん。high p dope な sample を低 HF concentration, 50mA/cm^2 くらいで anodise すると、dopant の周りで、かつ dopant を残すかたちで エッチングが進むそうな (ref 10)。

Electron transport in the downstream region of planar unbalanced magnetron discharge:


Optical emission from silicon-based SiO2 islands fabricated by anodic alumina templates:

We have investigated the photoluminescence spectra of silicon-based nanoscale SiO2 islands obtained by anodization of silicon-based aluminum membranes in a 0.3m sulfuric acid solution under a constant voltage of 25 V. Two ultraviolet emission bands were observed at 290 and 370 nm. After annealing the samples in 900 ℃ in O2, the 290 nm band vanishes, but the 370 nm band still exists. We suggest that the 290 nm band originates from optical transition in the E centers in the SiO2 islands according to its annealing behavior. The 370 nm band is considered to be from Al-related luminescence centers, [AlO4]0, because a decrease of intensity of the 370 nm band is in agreement with that of amount of the Al ion impurities located in the SiO2 islands. This work shows a clear understanding of the light-emitting mechanism of silicon-based SiO2 island array. The obtained result can be expected to have important applications in modem optoelectronics.

Crystallite coalescence during film growth based on improved contact mechanics adhesion models:

Intrinsic tensile stress, which can lead to problems in deposited thin films such as cracking, peeling, and delamination, often develops during the early stages of thin film growth. Many attempts have been made to estimate the tensile stress during crystallite coalescence, both experimentally and analytically. Most recently, using a combination of Hertzian contact mechanics and elasticity theory, Freund and Chason applied the Johnson-Kendall-Roberts (JKR) theory to account for adhesion between crystallites under specific conditions. Other existing contact mechanics models that naturally account for adhesion include the improved Derjaguin-Muller-Toporotov and Maugis-Dugdale theories. The objective of this study is to provide useful analytical and numerical techniques based on these contact mechanics theories for a wide range of conditions that accurately approximate the intrinsic tensile stress that develops during crystallite coalescence. As an analytical method, the Maugis-Dugdale model is proposed as a more general alternative to the JKR model. Parameters such as the contact radius and "net" adhesive force are computed as a function of the relative separation between two adjacent crystallites in a thin gold film. Another useful parameter known as the "jump-to-contact" separation is also calculated by the Maugis-Dugdale and JKR models. For comparison to the analytical models, a finite element method is used to simulate the crystallite coalescence problem. The numerical technique is based on a nonlinear surface interaction element developed to approximate van der Waals adhesion, and allows for full-field analysis of stress and displacement in crystallites. Two different boundary conditions are used, for which corresponding contact radius and tensile stress are computed and compared to the analytical results. As a further study, the length scale effect is also investigated by varying the radius of individual crystallites from 20 nm to 300 nm. It is concluded that in order to estimate the average tensile stress accurately using analytical models, the radius of individual crystallites must be large compared to the contact radius. For small length scales, the finite element approach is more appropriate.
island 合体時に生じる tensile stress の model。話はおもろそうだ。

Some calculations for the thickness distribution of large-area high-temperature superconducting film deposited by inverted cylindrical sputtering:

high gas pressure regime の thickness distribution を拡散で扱った話。 まあ reference にはなるかな。

Effect of pressure on dc planar magnetron sputtering of platinum:

50-200 mTorr。

Vacuum deposition of silver island films on chemically modified surfaces:

The silver island films were vacuum deposited at two different evaporation rates on unmodified indium tin oxide substrates and the substrates modified with molecules containing thiol, pyridyl, and fluorocarbon groups. The films were characterized by UV-visible spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Large variations in the structure and thickness of the island films that were observed between substrates were rationalized in terms of different chemical affinity of the surfaces to the silver metal.
以上 gmail に溜ってた alert の分と JVSTA の 2003 issues 1-3 まで。

#5 [labo] サンインスツルメント滝上さん

デモ機を引き取りにこられた。 だいたい納期は 6w、波長域は、二次光が入るかどうかでちょっと面倒さが違うかも、 という感じ。いくつか質問しておいたのをメールで返事してもらえるらしいので、 それを受けて波長決めて発注、という流れか。キャンペーン期間は終わっちゃってる らしいので、価格は 420k になっちゃうらしい。でもまあ充分安いけど。

#6 帰り

自転車 av. 18.0 km/h。あつい。
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2004年08月17日(火) [n年日記]

#1 時差調整

失敗していたようだ。 AM 2:00 起床、8:00 頃出ようと思ったら急激に眠くなり、 そのまま 16:00 まで寝てしまった… 雨が降ってたので出るのも億劫になり、家で拾った論文を眺めることにした。 あかん…
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2004年08月18日(水) [n年日記]

#1 時差調整


#2 行き

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2004年08月19日(木) [n年日記]

#1 [paper] 今日拾った論文

Infrared surface plasmons in two-dimensional silver nanoparticle arrays in silicon:

SiO2 matrix に Ag island を埋め込んで、形状を TEM でとり、 吸収分光スペクトルとモデルの比較をしたもの。 ATR で見てみても面白いかなあ。

Proton-beam-induced defect levels in CuInSe2 thin-film absorbers: An investigation on nonradiative electron transitions:

欠陥準位を調べるのに、piezoelectric photothermal spectroscopy という方法があるらしい (ref4)。これを proton damage を与えた CIS sample に適用したもの。

Effect of sputtering pressure on residual stress in Ni films using energy-dispersive x-ray diffraction:

0.2-1.4 Pa。0.8 Pa あたりで compr->tensile な典型的振舞い。 しかし 0.2 Pa で bias かけたら、-15〜-150V の全域で tensile になったらしいけど。

Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of SiO2 from a Si(CH3)3Cl precursor and mixtures Ar/O2 as plasma gas:

O* のピークはやっぱり 777nm のを見てるなあ。

Determination of Ti+-flux and Ar+-flux of ionized physical vapor deposition of titanium from multiscale model calibration with test structures:

比較的単純な MC。実際の trench との比較を行っているところなどは SIMBAD 的か。

Surface morphology and dynamic scaling in growth of iron nitride thin films deposited by dc magnetron sputtering:

α=0.65〜0.39、β=0.53〜0.29 で、ガス中の N2 が多いと小さくなる。 α+α/β=2 という KPX の関係はどれも満たしていたそうな。

Ionic densities and ionization fractions of sputtered titanium in radio frequency magnetron sputtering:

沖村先生の。高圧 (〜数10Pa) だとイオンの割合も結構増えるよ、というもの。

Inorganic electret using SiO2 thin films prepared by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering:

KIT 南先生。とりあえず最適条件。 Si/O 系のスパッタを論文にするとしたら、ref のネタとしては良さそう。

Simplified model for calculating the pressure dependence of a direct current planar magnetron discharge:

Buyle さんは ISSP2003 でも発表されていたような。

Super-smooth indium?tin oxide thin films by negative sputter ion beam technology:

ITO ターゲットの表面に適度かつ継続的に Cs を撒くと、 表面の仕事関数が下がって In とか Ti の negative ion が できやすくなるらしい。ふーん。

というところで JVSTA 2003 issue4 まで。 AVS の proc なのだけど、掲載基準が厳しくなったのか、 本数が昔に比べてだいぶ少ないなあ。

んで issue5 は 50th anniversary だったらしい。よさげな review をいくつか。

Transitioning from the art to the science of thin films: 1964 to 2003:

Green さんの。

Thin film deposition with physical vapor deposition and related technologies:

Rossnagel さんの。

Nucleation theory and the early stages of thin film growth:

Ratsch & Venables。

Impact of plasma processing on integrated circuit technology migration: From 1 μm to 100 nm and beyond:


Influence of modeling and simulation on the maturation of plasma technology: Feature evolution and reactor design:

Graves & Kushner。

そして issue6 へ。

Measurement of the plasma potential adjacent to the substrate in a midfrequency bipolar pulsed magnetron:

100kHz の pulsed DC sputtering plasma の plasma potential を emissive probe で測定したもの。 20ns の時間分解能を達成したとのこと。回路も載っている。

Spatially resolved mass spectrometric sampling of inductively coupled plasmas using a movable sampling orifice:


Experimental and computer simulation studies of the "baffled target" reactive sputtering process:

粒子を通し、あるていどコンダクタンスを絞れるバッフルを付けた場合の Berg モデルについて。粒子の transport について、ちょいと気になるが…


CINDAS LLC provides critically evaluated materials properties databases for thermal, mechanical, electrical, physical and other properties of various materials. We provide CD-ROM and Web-based applications for searching and comparing continually updated data. There are over 600 materials and over 11,000 data sets in the Microelectronics Packaging Materials Database (MPMD) and over 5,000 materials and over 50,000 data sets in the Thermophysical Properties of Matter Database (TPMD). Please try our free demos of the web-based applications of both the MPMD and the TPMD.
yearly license が $1500。うーむ。

#3 [URL] パッチ未適用のWindowsシステム、「生存時間」は約20分――米調査

実感に近いな。最近 global な class C を下流に持ってる gw マシンの iptables ログも 10k attacks/day に近くなってるしなあ。

#4 [labo] ipsio 200


#5 帰り

コメント [全部読む/投稿する]

2004年08月20日(金) [n年日記]

#1 行き


#2 [ISSP] 仕事

出版契約書の確認、web 投稿 form の確認など。

#3 [labo] Si 基板

切断。残り2枚になったので、 昨年お願いした ワカテックに見積り依頼の fax を送る (Fax2004/Wakatech1.doc)。

#4 [paper] 今日拾った論文

引き続き JVSTA。

Poly (ethylene terephthalate) decomposition process in oxygen plasma; emission spectroscopic and surface analysis for oxygen?plasma reaction:

ポリマーを O2 プラズマに晒して、decompose した species の OES を見ようというもの。 やはり O のピークは 777nm が強いのかな?

Effect of the substrate bias voltage on the physical characteristics of copper films deposited by microwave plasma-assisted sputtering technique:

on Si (100)。圧力は 0.13 Pa と低いけど。XRD, AFM。結構粗いな。 270 nm の膜で 5〜60 nm くらいの RMS っぽいけど。

Determination of titanium temperature and density in a magnetron vapor sputtering device assisted by two microwave coaxial excitation systems:

Doppler broadning の効果を使って温度も求められるというのが面白い。 なんとなく reasonable な値っぽいし (RT〜700K)。

Analytical modeling of rarefied Poiseuille flow in microchannels:


Modeling of the target surface modification by reactive ion implantation during magnetron sputtering:

The erosion rate of an aluminum target bombarded with Ar+ and O2+ ions was simulated using TRIDYN. An abrupt change of the erosion rate is noticed at a critical mole fraction of O2+ ions. This target behavior can also be described by a simple analytical model showing that the abrupt change finds its origin in an avalanche induced by reaction ion implantation. Indeed, by the reduction of the average sputter yield by compound formation, more reactive ions become implanted into the target as the number of implanted ions depends inversely on the average sputter yield. As such, an avalanche situation can develop which finally results in a completely oxidized target. It is also shown that the critical mole fraction depends linearly on the sputter yield of the target material and that target poisoning induced by ion implantation can result in a hysteresis behavior for the target condition.

Metallic tin reactive sputtering in a mixture Ar-O2: Comparison between an amplified and a classical magnetron discharge:

放電電圧は O2 の増加と共に、一度上がって下がり、また上がっている。
Between 0 and 20%-25%, VD increases with O2. It is explained by a reactive species implantation in the target as proposed by Depla and De Gryse (ref 15). The curves reach a maximum and the VD values decrease dramatically to reach a minimum at 40%. The sharp decrease is attributed to the compound layer formation on the target, which can be correlated to the RD decrease (Fig. 2). Indeed, it is known that the secondary electron emission is higher for an oxide than for the corresponding metal (refs 5 & 6). Consequently, the discharge impedance and the target voltage decrease. Finally, at high %O2 (>40%), the discharge voltage increases due to the change of the gas mixture from a mainly argon atmosphere to a 100% oxygen atmosphere. Indeed, the oxygen molecules can get electrons to produce O2-species in the discharge; consequently the discharge impedance decreases and the target voltage increases.

ということで 2004 の issue4 (latest) まで。 あとは検索に頼るか。

Pressure effects in planar magnetron sputter deposition:

古典すな。ref の最初のほうのに良さげ。

#5 [paper] JOIS 検索


#6 SPIN search

"sputter & throwing distance" だと Drusedau さんのやつだけ。 "sputter & thickness uniformity" だと 30 件。ふーむ。

#7 帰り



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