最新版はこちら。 突っ込みは各日付の BBS エントリのほか、 メール (nakano@st.seikei.ac.jp) や フォーム からどうぞ。 なおスパム除けのため、BBS 機能には 緩い認証を入れて います。 検索エンジンから来た方は、エンジンの方のキャッシュを見るか、 下の簡易検索を試してみてください。
Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索 詳しくは 詳細指定/ヘルプを参照して下さい |
How to connect to MS SQL 6.x+ database server via ODBC functions of PHP3(3.0.1x or above) compiled with Openlink drivers under Linux.* old text-only FAQ (that wasn't really a FAQ) quickly converted to linuxdoc SGML by Ferg
make-kpkg --revision i1 kernel_image modulesでビルド、できた kernel_image-2.4.3 と pcmcia-modules の deb をインストール。 なおこれまでは CONFIG_APM_DISPLAY_BLANK が y になっていたので、 X がブラックアウトした後復帰せずに悩んでいたのだった。
The word "crystal" usually refers to atoms arranged in a lattice, but Wigner crystals are made entirely of electrons. In the 23 April PRL a team describes how to make such a crystal by compressing an "electron liquid," and how to turn the crystal back into a liquid by squeezing some more. The team's computer models also indicate new and surprising behaviors of small electron crystals. The results suggest experiments that might allow simple and direct observation of Wigner crystallization. (A. V. Filinov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 3851. )
Changes: A security fix was made for an unsecure tempfile creation bug in fetchmailconf. Fixes were made for POP2 and POP3 password shrouding, `nospambounce' recognition, building NLS under Linux, GSSAPI, OTP support, a header error in SSL support, and the KPOP support. IMAP no longer quits if GSSAPI or Kerberos IV fail, but will try other methods. The fact the IDLE and multiple folders don't play well together was documented. A patch to make IPv6 build on older systems was included. Shrouding was restricted to just the password send so it won't leak info. A patch to support configuring a specific fallback MUA was incorporated. FALLBACK_MDA was added. The SA_LEN patch from Red Hat was incorporated, as well as their 5.5.0 Kerberos V patch.5.8.1 (Unstable) というのも出ている。
Changes: Fixes were made for password parsing and authentication. Makefile.in was patched to allow for parallel makes.
ssh-multiadd adds multiple ssh keys to the ssh authentication agent. These may use the same passphrase. When run without arguments, it adds $HOME/.ssh/identity and $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa. Alternative file names can be given on the command line or in the configuration file. It uses ssh-askpass if necessary. Unlike ssh-add, if any of the keys use the same passphrase, you will only need to enter each unique passphrase once, and keys that are already added will not be prompted for again. Changes: This release now searches for programs in the PATH rather than the hardcoded /usr/bin/, ssh-askpass naming variants are now checked, /usr/lib/ssh is searched, and any .ssh or .ssh2 directories are searched for. Error messages have been improved when running a subprogram fails, and / is no longer assumed as a path seperator.
|> 使わないデバイスはDisconnectするといいようです。特に、Win98で |> RTCを外すと一気にCPU占有率が下がります。 (...) VMwareをフルスクリーンにしていなければ、ウィンドウのメニューに Devicesっていうのがあるので、それを開けばチェックボックスが出てき ます。フルスクリーンにしているなら、Windowsのタスクバー(っていう のかな?)にVMware Toolsがあるはずなので(インストールしてあります よね?)、それを開いてDevicesのタブをクリックすればやはりチェック ボックスが出てきます。両者は選択の方法が違いますが、効果は同じよう です。
Changes: Some new configurability in PXELINUX which should make it work better in some environments, fixes for handling the "ipappend" command, and fixes for some minor graphics issues for all three programs.
makefaq is a Python program that creates a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) HTML page or text file from a specially formatted text data file.
This document describes how to install Linux on a headless Compaq ProLiant server with a Compaq Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition card without physical access to the system. The installation is done remotely through the use of a Java-enabled browser.* NEW entry
Xfsamba is an SMB (Windows) network navigator with upload, download, rm, rmdir, mkdir, and tar capabilities. It does not mount remote Windows shares at any time.
rpm http://vinelinux.org/Vine-2.1-updates/ aptdata/i386 0という apt line で http://vinelinux.org/Vine-2.1-updates/aptdata/i386/base/ に pkglist.0.bz2 を取りに行っているようなのだが、 pkglist.0 しかないので 404 で fail する (らしい)。
This HOWTO guides you through the installation of SQL Anywhere Studio 7.0.2 for Linux and the basic operation and administration of Adaptive Server Anywhere databases.* NEW entry
KMatplot is a Gnuplot-like tool for plotting data sets in both two or three dimensions. It can plot all ordinary types of 2D plots, including pixmaps and contours, and 3D surfaces. It offers a full WYSIWYG mode with multiple axes on a single page and a simple command interface for Octave and Scilab. Changes: Major redesign - full page view, contour plots, and many other small changes. License: GNU General Public License (GPL)こんどためしてみよう。
Replacement for the Consultants-HOWTO. A listing of companies providing commercial Linux related support.
Sat technology is starting to become a great resource for Internet users, allowing high bandwidth in downloading and many other interesting services. This document wants to investigate "State of Art" of Sat connections in Linux environment, how to get them faster and how to share them with many clients.* NEW entry