最新版はこちら。 突っ込みは各日付の BBS エントリのほか、 メール (nakano@st.seikei.ac.jp) や フォーム からどうぞ。 なおスパム除けのため、BBS 機能には 緩い認証を入れて います。 検索エンジンから来た方は、エンジンの方のキャッシュを見るか、 下の簡易検索を試してみてください。
Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索 詳しくは 詳細指定/ヘルプを参照して下さい |
Changes: This release includes numerous new features, documentation updates, and bugfixes.
deb http://surf.ap.seikei.ac.jp/~nakano/deb ./ deb-src http://surf.ap.seikei.ac.jp/~nakano/deb ./pgp 鍵は一応 このへん にあります(笑)
This document provides an overview of the X Window System's architecture, give a better understanding of its design, which components integrate with X and fit together to provide a working graphical environment and what choices are there regarding such components as window managers, toolkits and widget libraries, and desktop environment* NEW entry
Changes: A new feature was added to set the CD-ROM speed.
afrestore -1 -C . home/nakano/.gnome [...] home/nakano/.sawfishで復帰。
afrestore -1 -C . 'home/nakano/.gnome/' 'home/nakano/.gnome/*/' \ 'home/nakano/.gnome/*/*/'とかしないと駄目だった。パス名の前後に implicit につけられる wildcard の * が "/" にマッチしてないらしい。glob 的ですね。 afrestore が変わったのかな。 こうなると、 こないだのメールのアレ に入換えてみるのが良いかなあ。
deb http://pandora.debian.org/~kitame/mozilla ./という apt-line を使えということ。
Knapster is a Linux KDE client of Napster, the MP3 download utility. It supports most of the napster client operations such as searching by songname/band, messaging, chat channels, downloads and uploads, and an mp3 library. Changes: This is the initial release of knapster2, a KDE 2 version of knapster.
xnapster is a Java Napster clone.
Imagine discovering bubbles in your bathwater that are as hot as the sun's surface. You might wonder how they got there, and you wouldn't be alone. For 70 years, physicists have puzzled over sonoluminescence, a process where sound waves create thousands of hot, luminous bubbles in water. To find out what makes the bubbles glow, physicists learned to isolate a single bubble in the center of a water tank. But differences in spectra led some to suspect that single bubble sonoluminescence was a distinct process from the multibubble variety. A paper in the 21 May PRL shows that the two phenomena are the same by explaining the differing spectra. The paper also supports a leading theory for the mechanism of sonoluminescence. ( O. Baghdassarian et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4934. )
A block of glass produces light, even in the dark. Localized electromagnetic fields emanate a very small distance above almost any material surface, because the internal fields cannot end suddenly when they hit air. Now, in the 21 May PRL, a team shows how to predict and control these so-called evanescent fields by manipulating the topography of a surface. As an example of this manipulation, they propose an arrangement of nanoscale pillars and show that it leads to a "quantum corral" pattern of the light. If the theory is confirmed by experiments, it will help researchers interpret images from scanning probe microscopes and may also lead to brighter fluorescent probes of biomolecules. ( Colas des Francs et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4950. )
This document describes how to build, setup, and use the ACP (Mwave) Modem feature of the IBM Thinkpad[tm] 600E, 600, and 770x.* NEW entry
The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a collection of routines for numerical computing. The routines are written from scratch by the GSL team in ANSI C, and are meant to present a modern API for C programmers, while allowing wrappers to be written for very high-level languages. Changes: This release includes new modules for numerical differentiation and ntuple, a complete CBLAS implementation for systems where ATLAS is not installed, now compiles with Microsoft Visual C++, and many other enhancements.
Patchutils contains interdiff and filterdiff. You can use interdiff to create an incremental patch between two patches that are against a common source tree. Filterdiff is for extracting or excluding patches from a patch set based on modified files matching shell wildcards.
DNSTools is a Web and command-line based tool to administer your DNS configuration files. It uses a MySQL database to store DNS records for quick updates, then creates BIND-compliant (v4 & v8) configuration files from the database records. The size of the DNSTools database is limited only by the platform it is running on. DNSTools is most commonly used as a Web-based front end for the BIND name server software.
ErrorDocument 404 /%7Enakano/CBH/index.htmlという .htaccess を置いたりしていた。
The VCG tool reads a textual and readable specification of a graph and visualizes the graph. If not all positions of nodes are fixed, the tool layouts the graph using several heuristics as reducing the number of crossings, minimizing the size of edges, centering of nodes. The specification language of the VCG tool is nearly compatible to GRL, the language of the edge tool, but contains many extensions. The VCG tool allows folding of dynamically or statically specified regions of the graph. It uses colors and runs on X11 and MS Windows 3.1. (An older version runs on Sunview).sid なら apt-get install vcg で OK。
ftnchek -calltree=vcg *.f xvcg -papersize a4 -scale 75 -psoutput main.ps main.vcgといった感じ。できたのが vcg ファイル と ps ファイル 。
This program is invoked from the .forward file of a user and scans the incoming mails for .vbs .exe .com .bat, and similar attachments. If a message is clean, it is inserted into the users qmail-style Maildir. Otherwise, it is bounced. License: BSD License外部の virus checker と組み合わせるのかな?
Changes: This is mostly a maintainance release which fixes various bugs, including portability issues (Solaris large disks, AIX, Hurd), a number of floppyd problems, a file overwrite bug which can happen on almost-full disks, and some minor documentation errors. A mode to translate file contents from DOS-style line terminators to Unix-style line terminators was added. Zip250 support was also added.
Changes: A fix for a signal race condition and bugfixes for 8.11.3.
Changes: An fdisk fix for OSF and a chsh compilation fix.
Unexpected error in "read_ZEIT_char()で落ちる。 同じ sid でもデスクトップマシンの方は大丈夫だから、 ちゃんと調べてみないとな..
A complete recipe for creating audio CDs from MP3 files.* NEW entry
rpm -qpl hoge.rpmある rpm がライブラリへの依存関係で入らないときは、 こいつで取ったリストを grep し、 そのパッケージを入れればいい、のか? 頭悪いやり方だが...
でもやっぱ時代はapt-cache searchExactly! なんだけど、
#!/usr/bin/make -fなファイルなので、 asiya24-vfont や watanabe-vfont を入れた後ただ実行しても /etc/vfontcap は (time stamp が新しいので) 更新されない。 いっぺん消さないといけない。しばらく悩んだ。
% ls -1F /etc/vfont 00vflib2 gothic@ gothic-italic@ mincho@ mincho-italic@ ttf-microsoft-gothic ttf-microsoft-minchoの状態にし、update-vfontcap を実行して こんな vfontcap にしたら、何の問題もなく xdvi-ja が実行されました。 ghostview も問題なし。お騒がせしました。
This HOWTO explains how to set up a Linux machine to run an Apache web server using PHP to access a Sybase-ASE database.* NEW entry
ダイジェストメール/各種メールボックス形式を 分割・変換・移行するツールです。Windows 用。入力24形式、出力11形式。Winbiff は入出力とも対応している。
・・・とは言っても、ここではメーラーの面倒までは見ません。Win から UNIX へメールをコピーするだけです。
とは言え、Win は多くのメーラーが独自形式で過去のメールを保存しているため、そのままでは厄介ですが、幸いツールがありますので、それを使います。
一方、UNIX では3種類を私は知っています。大抵のメーラーはこのうちのどれかに対応していますし、相互変換ツールもありますので、なんとか移行はできるでしょう。
自宅に入れた Debian(UU の potato) をいじりたくなってきましたが,その前に未だに288モデムなのをなんとかするべきですな.自宅の ISDN -> ADSL 移行に伴って YAMAHA の RT-50i が今手元で宙に浮いてるんですが、いります?