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PostScript and Ghostscript Supported Fontsとのこと。
Table 1-1 lists the fonts supported by MATLAB's PostScript and Ghostscript drivers. This same set of fonts is supported on both Windows and UNIX. If you use a font that is not on this list, it will be substituted with Courier.Table 1-1: Fonts Supported by PostScript and Ghostscript Drivers AvantGarde Helvetica-Narrow Times-Roman Bookman NewCenturySchlbk ZapfChancery Courier Palatino ZapfDingbats Helvetica SymbolUsing the set Command to Set the Font. If you set the font using the set command, use the identical names shown above. This example sets the font of the current text object to Helvetica-Narrow using MATLAB commands.
set(gca,'FontName','Helvetica-Narrow'); Property Editor. If use a Property Editor dialog box (available under Axes Properties or Current Object Properties on the Edit menu) to set the font, the list of available fonts shown are those supported by your system. If you choose one that is not in the table above, your resulting file will use Courier.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
--The Bible (New Testament, Matthew 7:7)