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apdrelay named[184]: lame server resolving 'XXX.YYY.ZZZ.WWW.in-addr.arpa' (in 'YYY.ZZZ.WWW.in-addr.arpa'?): WWW.ZZZ.YYY.NN#53というメッセージが 多発するようになったので、 このへん とか このへん とかを見て
logging { category lame-servers{ null; }; };を /etc/bind/named.conf に追加。
Changes: ksymoops support for the sbss section has bee nadded. Include can handle multiple files with globbing.
An atom or molecule can be stimulated by light to change from one energy state to another. An atom or molecule in an excited energy state can also decay spontaneously to a lower state. The probability of an atom or molecule changing states depends on the nature of the initial and final state wavefunctions, how strongly light can interact with them, and on the intensity of any incident light. This document discusses some of the practical terms used to describe the probability of a transition occuring, which is commonly called the transition strength. To a first approximation, transitions strengths are governed by selection rules which determine whether a transition is allowed or disallowed. Practical measurements of transitions strengths are usually described in terms of the Einstein A and B coefficients or the oscillator strength (f).ふむ。この辺がちゃんと書いてある教科書ってないかのお。