最新版はこちら。 突っ込みは各日付の BBS エントリのほか、 メール (nakano@st.seikei.ac.jp) や フォーム からどうぞ。 なおスパム除けのため、BBS 機能には 緩い認証を入れて います。 検索エンジンから来た方は、エンジンの方のキャッシュを見るか、 下の簡易検索を試してみてください。
Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索 詳しくは 詳細指定/ヘルプを参照して下さい |
changes: Replacing of the automake/autoconf tools by the original Makefile scripts, and moving the BSD "make" and the /usr/share/mk scripts into a directory called build-utils. Please note that the mk scripts need to be edited to use on your system; they're highly specific to the author's setup.
description: CVSAUTH authenticates CVS pserver clients. It allows you to run multiple repositories on the same server without the security risk of running cvs as root. changes: This release adds SSL authentication and SSL-based access in the CVS clients, working supplementary group and system passwords, and smaller bugfixes.
description: Green Frog Linux is a small compact Linux Distribution. It is intended to be used as a starting point for people who want to home brew most or all of their Linux system. Basically it is a bare minimum Linux system that will allow you to boot, compile stuff, and use networking. It will also excell at small servers due to it's minimal nature with some minor adjustments, or alternatively with the addition of X and a desktop envoirment of your choice will make a great custom tweaked desktop (Client) OS. changes: Replacement of Postfix with OMTA, netkit inetd with xinetd, w3m with wget, and isapnptools with the 2.3/2.4 isapnp backport, deprecation of proftpd and bind (compile your own for security reasons), and a new source tree framework with make world support.
description: Unison is a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. It allows two copies of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other. Unison can deal with updates to both replicas of a distributed directory structure. Updates that do not conflict are propagated automatically. Conflicting updates are detected and displayed. Unison can communicate through a direct socket link or through an rsh/ssh tunnel. It uses network bandwidth efficiently. changes: This is a beta release, for courageous users only. The most significant changes are that Unison can now synchronize file modtimes and user- and group-ids.
検索サービスのgooやinfoseekといった全文検索の弱点は、 しばしばデータが古くてリンク切れがあることや、 検索ロボットからのアクセスを拒否するサイトは検索できないこと、 うまく絞り込まないとヒット数が膨大になることなどがあげられるだろう。 特に3つめの問題は、 例えば株関係のオンラインソフトを探したくて「株式」と入力して検索すると、 「株式会社○○○」にもヒットしてしまうといったことになる。 これは検索する範囲が広すぎるからで、特定の、 例えば窓の杜のライブラリ内を中心にして検索できれば、 目的のページを見つけだすのは容易になるはずだ。 そこで今回は特定のURLからたどれるリンク先だけを検索することで分野を絞った検索ができ、 検索結果リストにはリンク切れも起こらないというWeb検索ソフトを紹介しよう。キーワード選択を適切にできない××のための単なる迷惑ソフトのような気が。
cription: MUSCLE (Multi User Server Client Linking Environment) is a messaging server and networking API. It is portable to any OS with a sockets API and a C++ compiler. It lets programs communicate via streams of PortableMessages (very similar to BeOS's BMessage class) layered over TCP streams. The included server program ("muscled") lets its clients message each other, and/or store information in its serverside hierarchical database. The database supports queries via regex and "live" updates via a subscription mechanism, and may be subclassed to if application-specific logic is needed. changes: Initial Freshmeat announcement.名前のインパクトのみ(笑)
description: LinkCheck automates checking a Web site for broken links. It creates a report of broken links, download times, and every link and FTP connection on the site. It is handy for Web designers who need to check over their site. It can also be installed as a CGI program so Web designers can check via a Web page. changes: The license was updated to use the GPL license.
An upper bound to the roughening temperature of a close-packed singular surface, fcc Al (111), is obtained via free energy calculations based on thermodynamic integration using the embedded-atom interaction model. Roughening of Al (111) is predicted to occur at around 890 K, well below bulk melting (933 K), and it should therefore be observable, save for possible kinetic hindering.
Basic Red Hat 7.0 info, additional Debian instructions.* updated
description: projdiary is a Perl script that creates a Web page with recent advogato diary entries for all members of a registered project on advogato. It displays the latest diary entry for each member of a project and sorts the entries by date.
description: GTelnet is a fancy GNOME client for telnet, ssh, and rlogin. It also supports SSH2. changes: Documentation for new users was improved. An SSH user login dialog was added. Requests from numerous users were granted. Terminal compatibility with aixterm, hpterm, iris-ansi, vt100, and more was added. More error checking was added. A very tiny color mapping problem that makes the color blurry when running Pine was fixed. The non-redundant code generated by the IDE was optimized, reducing the size of the binary executable. The documentation was moved to /usr/doc/gnome-telnet-2.2 instead of using /usr/share. The name of the executable was changed from "Gnome_Telnet" to "gnome-telnet".日本語通るのだろうか?
description: SlackReiser is a set of Slackware 7 boot and root disks that allow installation of Slackware onto ReiserFS partitions. ReiserFS is an advanced filesystem that supports journaling, high performance, and fast access to directories with many files. SlackReiser is based on bare.i and color.gz v7.0.0. changes: This release has been upgraded to linux-2.2.17 and reiserfs-3.5.27. A few installation bugs have been fixed, the supplemental disk is now history, and a tarball of modules for 2.2.17 is available.
description: Faqforge is a PHP-based document creation and management tool. It can be used to create FAQs, manuals, guides, HOWTOs, and other Web-based documents requiring a hierarchical structure. It uses MySQL to store document content and structure data. changes: Initial release.
description: WML is a free and extensible Webdesigner's off-line HTML generation toolkit for Unix. It consists of a control frontend driving up to nine backends in a sequential pass-oriented filtering scheme. Each backend provides one particular core language. For maximum power WML additionally ships with a well-suited set of include files which provide higher-level features built on top of the backends core languages. While not trivial and idiot proof WML provides most of the core features real hackers always wanted for HTML generation. changes: This is a bugfix release. WML 2.0.4 could hang on large files; this problem and some minor others have been solved.
changes: A fix for a serious bug in WML 2.0.5 that made wmk unusable with multilingual documents.
description: cvsadmin is a handy tool to administer users of a CVS repository. It handles adding, deleting, and listing users, as well as changing a user's password. changes: This release includes various code tweaks, and no longer needs to be run as root.
description: The IMAP source distribution includes the IMAP4rev1 server, as well as a POP server that, in addition to offering the normal POP service, can relay commands to an IMAP server, thus permitting existing POP clients to access an IMAP server .
description: WGSGen is a shell download-script generator for wget, written in Python, that helps you to save time from repeating wget commands and flags for each URL you want to download (you can set different options for each URL). changes: This release fixes the global-local-filename bug, and most of the option have been changed for non-wget-users to better understand.
description: A WikiWikiWeb is a collaborative hypertext environment, with an emphasis on easy access to and modification of information. MoinMoin is a Python WikiClone that allows you to easily set up your own wiki, only requiring a Web server and a Python installation. changes: This release features free-formatted WikiNames (which means you can have Japanese page names for example), a [[SystemInfo]] macro, in-line code sequences, some usability enhancements, and numerous bugfixes. It has also tested with Python 1.6 and Python 2.0.名前のインパクトのみで(笑)
changes: Bugfixes and improved robustness.
description: Bombermaze is Bomberman clone for GNOME. It is a multiplayer action game in which players run around a square-grid maze while dropping bombs and collecting power-ups. The bombs explode after a short time delay, taking out any nearby bricks and players. changes: The Bomb sprite has been redrawn and animated, and triggerable bombs now look slightly different from normal ones. There are 4 new parameters for you play with: flame duration, bomb chain reaction delay, and shatter durations for bricks and power-ups.
description: sping sends ICMP ECHO requests to network hosts to determine whether they are alive. It is a small and hopefully secure implementation of the common ping utility that offers far less control over the packet options that may be specified (packet size, delay between packets, etc.), for both security and bandwidth reasons.
description: Arla is a free AFS client and server implementation. The main goal is to make a fully functional client with all capabilities of normal AFS. Other implemented things are all the normal management tools and a server. changes: Bug fixes were made, including fixes for Solaris mmap problems.
description: e4Graph is a C++ library that allows programs to store graph-like data persistently and to access and manipulate that data efficiently. With e4Graph, you can arrange your data in the most natural form that reflects the relationships between its parts, rather than having to force it into a table-like format. The e4Graph library also allows you to concentrate on the relationships you want to represent, and not on how to store them in a database. You can modify data items, and add and remove connections and relationships between pieces of data on the fly. e4Graph allows you to represent an unlimited number of different connections between pieces of data, and your program can selectively manipulate the data according to the relationships it cares about, not having to know about other connections represented in the data set. changes: Initial freshmeat announcement.
deny: * mycom.co.jp * * * * * 404を diary/conf/access_control に追加。
`date' with no arguments prints the current time and date, as if the format string were `%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y' (these directives are described below).とのことなので修正。 upstream にも連絡したが、メールアドレスの MX が DNS でひけない状態。むぅ。
set rprompt = '%T'すると、右側に時刻が出る。 長いコマンドを入れるとちゃんと消えたり、 backspace で戻ると再度現れたりするのがかわいい(笑)。
description: LinuxFromScratch is a project aimed at teaching the reader more about the inner workings of Linux. It's primarily intended for those seeking to learn more about how Linux works, how the various pieces of the Operating System fit together and interact, and for people who want to get away from existing distributions.
description: Tripwire is a system integrity checker, a utility that compares properties of designated files and directories against information stored in a previously generated database. Any changes to these files are flagged and logged, including those that were added or deleted, with optional email reporting. Additionally, support files (databases, reports, etc.) are cryptographically signed. changes: This is a major release, including the full GPL source code.
description: The Computer History Graphing Project is an attempt to graph every computer standard, every piece of hardware, every OS, and every computer language in one big family tree. changes: A new GTK-based visual browser, a new version of parsech, and updates to the history trees to include the new tree for Palm devices.
description: TuxTyping is an educational typing tutorial game starring Tux, the Linux Penguin. The player guides Tux to eat fish which are falling from the top of the screen. Each fish has a letter or a word written on it. When the player presses the corresponding key, or types the appropriate word, Tux will position himself to eat the fish. The game is intended for children learning to type and to spell, though it does have higher difficulty levels which even experienced typists may find challenging.