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RAID is not limited to expensive SCSI disks anymore as more and more motherboard manufacturers are introducing motherboards with onboard RAID support for inexpensive IDE disks, known as ATA RAID. Promise Technolgy and HighPoint are two companies that dominate this ATA RAID market. This HOWTO document explains how to install Linux on an Intel Pentium compatible computer with an ATA RAID Controller (onboard chip or seperate card), single or multiple processors and atleast two hard disks. Currently, this document covers installing RedHat Linux 7.2 with Promise FastTrack ATA RAID Controller only.* NEW entry
;; ;; customize key-bindings ;; (global-set-key "\C-h" 'delete-backward-char) (global-set-key "\M-h" 'help-for-help) (global-set-key [delete] 'delete-char) (global-set-key [deletechar] 'delete-char) (global-set-key [home] 'beginning-of-buffer) (global-set-key [end] 'end-of-buffer) ;; ;; Keys for PuTTY ;; (global-set-key [select] 'end-of-buffer) (defvar cursor-map-P (make-keymap)) (fset 'Cursor-Map-P cursor-map-P) (define-key esc-map "[" 'Cursor-Map-P) (define-key cursor-map-P "1~" 'beginning-of-buffer)のようにしたら、自分の思った通りの動きかたを PuTTY, rxvt の両方で同じようにやってくれるようになった。やれやれ。
#!/bin/sh rsync -Havz --delete \ --exclude=var\/lib\/apt/ \ --exclude=var/cache/apt/archives/ \ /var /etc /home /usr/local babarelay.ap.seikei.ac.jp::backupというのを /etc/cron.daily に放り込んでおいた。 パッケージリストは /var/lib/dpkg/status から復旧できるだろう。
grep -B 1 "^Status: install ok installed" /var/lib/dpkg/status \ | awk '/^Package/{printf "%s install\n", $2}'てなのを dpkg --set-selections に入れる感じかね。
Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure.
-- Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993)