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2002年12月04日(水) [n年日記]

#1 [URL] Postfix のページ

pcre_table.5 はあるみたいですけど。.so ページかな? > またぬきさん


なるほど こっち でしたか。 多分守備範囲としては JF よりは JM の方でしょうけど、 いずれもまだ手をつけている人はいないと思います。

#2 [paper] Read before you cite!

We report a method of estimating what percentage of people who cited a paper had actually read it. The method is based on a stochastic modeling of the citation process that explains empirical studies of misprint distributions in citations (which we show follows a Zipf law). Our estimate is only about 20% of citers read the original
わはははは。確かによくある気がしていたが、 ミスの伝播を調べるというアイディアは面白い。

興味を持つ人は多そう :-) なので、 /.-jp にタレ込んでみた。

#3 [paper] PRL 89(24)

Adhesion between Elastic Bodies with Randomly Rough SurfacesCITE:

I have developed a theory of adhesion between an elastic solid and a hard randomly rough substrate. The theory takes into account the fact that partial contact may occur between the solids on all length scales. I present numerical results for the case where the substrate surface is self-affine fractal. When the fractal dimension is close to 2, complete contact typically occurs in the macroasperity contact areas. For a fractal dimension larger than 2.5, the area of (apparent) contact decreases continuously when the magnification is increased.

#4 [paper] MRS Bull. 22(10) 1997

low-K 特集号らしい。しかし No.10 だけなぜか書棚にないぞえ。

#5 [paper] APL 81(24)

Extraction of height?height correlation function of random surfaces from the average intensity of image speckles:

We present a method for the extraction of the height?height correlation function of random surfaces from the average intensity of image speckles. The setup of a Fourier transforming and imaging system with a variable aperture is used for both the theoretical analysis and experimental performances. Based on the analytical expression of the image intensity, an algorithm is developed to formulate numerically the intensity data versus the aperture radius into the pair of Bessel?Fourier transform and the inversion, from which the height?height correlation function is reconstructed. Three samples of Gaussian correlation are used for the experimental demonstration. The extracted height?height correlation function and the random surface parameters obtained thereby conform with those obtained by atomic force microscopy.

Damp-heat induced sulfate formation in Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2-based thin film solar cells:

To investigate the impact of damp heat treatments on the electronic and chemical structure of Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2-based thin film solar cells, we have performed a detailed soft x-ray emission study of the ZnO/CuIn(S,Se)2 and ZnO/CdS/CuIn(S,Se)2 interfaces. By comparing the sulfur L2,3 emission spectra of pristine and damp-heat treated samples, we find a sulfate formation at the ZnO/CuIn(S,Se)2 and the ZnO/CdS interface. The intensity behavior as a function of ZnO film thickness further reveals a diffusion of sulfur atoms into the ZnO film, leading to the formation of zinc sulfate in the ZnO window layer of damp-heat-treated Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2-based solar cells.

#6 [book] 「魔法使いさんおしずかに!」


#7 [dept] 河田先生退官記念パーティー写真

第三実験のレポート採点をしつつ、 プリントをアルバムへ移動。 なるほど、2,4 番目のフィルムは逆順になっていたのか。



#8 AirStation WLAR-L11G-L に弱点

うちのは G 無しだけど、大丈夫なんだろうか。

#9 [labo] MgO 製膜@旧スパッタ装置

17:00 頃藤本くんより「ガスが出ない」という help を受けて見に行ったら、 フローコントローラの元バルブが閉まっていなかったというオチ。 ついでに N2 の二次圧がなぜか低くなっていたので 2.7kgf/cm^2 に上げ。

その後成膜中、18:00 頃に、O2 のラインだけ流量が止まったという報告が。 いろいろ調べたが、結局 shut バルブへの圧力が足りなかったのが原因らしく、 N2 の圧力を 2.8 にすると復活。 そのまま 22:30 くらいまで見たけど順調に流れ続けた。うーむ?
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