最新版はこちら。 突っ込みは各日付の BBS エントリのほか、 メール (nakano@st.seikei.ac.jp) や フォーム からどうぞ。 なおスパム除けのため、BBS 機能には 緩い認証を入れて います。 検索エンジンから来た方は、エンジンの方のキャッシュを見るか、 下の簡易検索を試してみてください。
Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索 詳しくは 詳細指定/ヘルプを参照して下さい |
--ctstate state Where state is a comma separated list of the connection states to match. Possible states are INVALID meaning that the packet is associated with no known connection, ESTABLISHED meaning that the packet is associated with a connection which has seen pack- ets in both directions, NEW meaning that the packet has started a new connection, or otherwise associated with a connection which has not seen packets in both directions, and RELATED mean- ing that the packet is starting a new connection, but is associ- ated with an existing connection, such as an FTP data transfer, or an ICMP error. SNAT A virtual state, matching if the origi- nal source address differs from the reply destination. DNAT A virtual state, matching if the original destination differs from the reply source.の (original|reply) (source|destination) あたりの実体がいまいちピンと来ない。 接続状態のチェックだから、行き来している 2 つのパケットをみている、 という理解でいいのかしら。