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while (<>){ chomp; $body .= "$_ "; } $body =~ s/ / /g; $body =~ s/^.+?<\/HEAD>/$header/s; $body =~ s!<BODY.*?>!<BODY LANG="en-US" DIR="LTR">\n!; $body =~ s!<P STYLE.*?>!<P>!g; $body =~ s!</P>!</P>\n!g; $body =~ s!<FONT.*?>!!g; $body =~ s!</FONT>!!g; $body =~ s!<SPAN.*?>!!g; $body =~ s!</SPAN>!!g; $body =~ s!<sup>!<sup>!g; $body =~ s!</sup>!</sup>!g; $body =~ s/\n /\n/g; $body =~ s/ +</</g; $body =~ s!<P>(.*?)</P>!\1<BR>!g; $body =~ s!<BR><BR>!<BR>\n<BR>!g; $body =~ s!</BODY></HTML>!</BODY>\n</HTML>!g; print $body; BEGIN { $header = << 'EOM'; <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="CONTENT-TYPE" CONTENT="text/html; charset=en-US"> <TITLE>ISSP2009 Accepted List</TITLE> </HEAD> EOM }その後 3progbase/ に移動、プログラムのデータを別途編集、 去年の perl script をいじって叩き台の html を吐いて完成。 データを編集するのは明日の確定を待ってから。
yes this is known, firmware can't be distributed freely. not yet fixed.ぐは。マジすか。
network add HOGE addserver HOGE irc.oobar.jp:6667 startlistener 6667 接続パスワード HOGE connect HOGEとする。HOGE は「ネットワーク」の識別名。
saveconfigを行い、ctrlproxy を実行した端末から Ctrl-C を送ってプロセスを止める。 ~/.ctrlproxy/networks/HOGE には
[#チャネル名] autojoin=trueのようなエントリができているはず。
In their experiment designed to get better electric field data, Gerrit Kroesen of the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands and his colleagues studied plasma creation between two broad electrodes separated by a few millimeters in a low-pressure xenon gas. During the microsecond-long transit of the ionization front, they shined brief pulses from two lasers into the gap. The first pulse made gas atoms emit fluorescent light, as electrons were excited to higher levels and fell back. The second laser pulse pushed already excited electrons to a still higher level, one whose energy depended upon the electric field.というあたりがミソ。ほー。
『(減量を決意したばかりだし) いや、一個でいいっす』
マルクスが傾倒していた哲学は、いかに良く正しく生きるか、 への問題には答えてくれるかもしれないが、 人間とは、崇高な動機によって行動することもあれば、 下劣な動機によって行動に駆られる生き物でもあるという、 人間社会の現実までは教えてくれない。 それを教えてくれるのは、歴史である。(p.237)
もしかしたら人類の歴史は、悪意とも言える冷徹さで実行した場合の成功例と、 善意あふれる動機ではじめられたことの失敗例で、 おおかた埋まっていると言っても良いのかもしれない。(p.326)
要約すると net-tools_1.58-1 の ifconfig が完全に壊れてて 使い物に ならない(ネットワーク使えなくなる)ので、バグが直るまで hold することを 強くおすすめするということです。
unstable を使ってる人のみ関係します(woody or それ以前のものは net-tools_1.57-1 ですので)。
○プリンタ一覧に[通常使うプリンタ]を追加。 ○段組みの時に[強制改頁]機能を追加。 ・エラーメッセージで、[いいえ]ボタンが2つ出てくることがあった。 ・プリンタがインストールされていないと起動時にハングアップすることがあっ た。 ・書式の文字列値に「"」を入力し保存すると、読み込んだ時に空になっていた。 ・プリンタの選択・設定だけを変更して終了すると、変更した内容が保存されなか った。 ・Windows 2000,Meで、[ファイル]-[プリンタフォルダ]が動作しなかった。 ・偶数ページの時のマージンの入れ換えを指定していると、3ページ以降の印刷位 置がおかしくなった。 ・アイコントレイに登録したネットワークプリンタアイコンが保存されなかった。
Atomic beams can act like light waves and exhibit all of the classic wave effects, like interference and refraction. But atoms are usually guided with electromagnetic fields, not the solid materials that make lenses and mirrors. Now a Japanese physicist has demonstrated in the 5 February PRL that very cold atoms can reflect off of a solid surface the way light reflects from a mirror, rather than scattering in all directions. The results provide a new confirmation for the theory of so-called quantum reflection and a rare probe of the long-distance Casimir interaction between the atoms and the surface. The work could also pave the way for simpler atom manipulation equipment engineered from solids. (Fujio Shimizu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 987 )清水先生だ。
Static friction is everywhere. It's in that little extra shove at the beginning of a wild downhill sled ride and the first big push that starts a heavy piece of furniture rolling across the floor. But according to the modern microscopic theory of interacting surfaces, it shouldn't exist at all. Now, in the 12 February PRL, a team of physicists has built an analytic theory, backed up with detailed numerical modeling, that may explain why virtually every pair of surfaces lock together and resist sliding. The key is that impurities like dust, dirt, and stray molecules, coat nearly every surface and prevent smooth motion. (Martin H. Muser et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1295 )
Two new papers offer a detailed explanation for a baffling experiment published three years ago, in which much larger-than-expected amounts of light passed through a silver-coated quartz barrier with tiny openings: namely, a periodic array of 150-nm holes up to 10 times smaller than the wavelength of the light sent through. This bodes well for scaling down optical devices to nanometer dimensions.
Chemtool is a GTK+-based 2D chemical structure editor for X11. Drawings can be exported in XFig format for further annotation, or as Postscript files (using xfig's companion program transfig). A set of sample molecular structure drawings is included in the archive. Changes: This release includes a template menu system with common compounds, a new bond-type for overlapping bonds, shortcuts for common labels, functions for scaling and deleting, a new helper program to determine sum forumla and molecular weighs, restoration of XBM output, improved text rendering, Czech and German localisation, and many bugfixes.
EasyChains is a very easy-to-use GUI for the console firewall script. It makes it easy to create a custom firewall using the firewall generator, or you can add and remove custom rules from a numbered list. You can generate a monitor for the console and for X. Changes: This release includes various firewall fixes, and better rule viewing.
rChains is a detailed, custom, ipchains ruleset that implements many features including most noteably, per host bandwidth monitoring via MRTG, and CGI log reports. Changes: Several functions are now included to make configuration easier, the scalability of the script has been improved, and the ability to include a list of hosts for the variable configuration rather than using DNS.
bashlib is a shell script that makes CGI programming in bash easier, or at least more tolerable. It contains a few functions that get called automatically to parse incoming form parameters, keywords, and cookies, and builtin functions to access this data. It is very well documented and can be extended very easily.
Matrix Math is software to quickly and easily compute functions of matrices of any size. It supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, inversion, division, and will support whatever else is necessary. Changes: Better documentation inside the code, a fix for the reduce_matrix() function, and discovery of serious bugs in the determinant() and inverse() functions.Changes を見るかぎりではまだまだな感じか?
Changes: A fix for a bug handling literal IP addresses in tunnel and target specifications.
gtranslator is a translation framework for the GNOME project. It supports comfortable editing of the po files without the fear of losing them. Changes: Smaller enhancements, more logical handling of special po.gz/mo files, little usability fixes, better dist&build, less leaks, and an advanced history mechanism.
pkgusage lists all the packages you have installed on your system, along with a number telling you how many days ago you last accessed any of the files in the package. This could be useful for cleaning out your hard drive. Pkgusage currently supports only RPMs, but is written to be easily portable to other package managers as well. Changes: Support for Debian (.deb) packages.うひひ。
pkgwrite can make both redhat and debian packages from a single control file. It can make packages that are split into parts (clients and servers, development and user portions, etc) as well as handling packages that require multiple compilations (eg with different configure options). It tries to insulate the user from any specific details about either of the supported packaging systems. Changes: Support for symlinks, fixing behavior regarding changelog.Debian.gz.