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Changes: This is a maintenance release, fixing a number of bugs in BIND 9.1.0.
dvorak7min is an ncurses-based Dvorak typing tutor. Changes: This release includes a missing prompt, and tweaks to the CPS and CPM counter to be more fair.
ne is a free text editor that runs on (hopefully almost) any UN*X machine. ne is easy to use for the beginner, but powerful and fully configurable for the wizard, and most sparing in its resource usage. Changes: This release includes transparent support for MS-DOS files (allowing conversion to/from Unix style), support for the Meta key, even in the ESC-prefix style of gnome-terminal, and various built-in keyboard escape sequences and the entire ANSI terminal control sequences, allowing ne to work on various different terminal types.debian にも入ってるあの ne とはまた違ったやつらしい。
dvorak7min assumes it is run with the dvoarak keymappings already loaded.ということで、起動できねえ(笑)
If there's an outbreak of the flu in your city, you can count on the Centers for Disease Control for help, but if it's the "I Love You" bug, forget it. That's because viruses spread differently on the internet than they do in the real world, according to a paper in the 2 April PRL. While a biological disease can only spread from person to person, a digital virus can reach many computers simultaneously from a single server. This difference in transmission makes computer viruses all but impossible to eliminate, according to the authors, but the model they describe may lead to better strategies for protecting the electronic world.(R. Pastor-Satorras and A. Vespignani, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 3200. )