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TeraTerm Pro Web is the next generation tool for connecting with remote Telnet and SSH hosts. It is built based on the extremely popular open-source TeraTerm product put out by T. Teranishi in 1999 ( click here for original site). In keeping with the original philosophy and spirit of the author, our modified version is completely free!!試さないと!
sshd 側の log にも Accepted publickey と出ていますし、
# そもそも publickey しか許可してないし。
しかも、○○ *1 は putty も使っていて、pagent にパスフレーズを
というわけで、なにも設定していませんが、publickey を使って
We present a detailed study of the electron emission from a thin MgO(100) film on a Mo substrate, bombarded with slow He+, Ne+, and Ar+ ions. Neither the high absolute number of emitted electrons per incoming ion nor the electron spectra can be due to Auger neutralization of the incoming ions at the MgO surface alone. Therefore, an additional mechanism is proposed: holes created in the MgO film are transported to the MgO-substrate interface where they give rise to an Auger neutralization process involving two electrons from the metal substrate conduction band.ふーむ。要するに Auger Neutralization ではスペクトルを説明できなかったとのこと。 ちなみに Ep〜40eV, d〜1-5 nm。
We introduce a solid-on-solid growth process which evolves by random deposition of dimers, surface diffusion, and evaporation of monomers from the edges of plateaus. It is shown that the model exhibits a robust transition from a smooth to a rough phase. The roughening transition is driven by an absorbing phase transition at the bottom layer of the interface, which displays the same type of critical behavior as the pair contact process with diffusion 2A->3A, 2A->0.リファレンスが多くてよさげ。