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Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索 詳しくは 詳細指定/ヘルプを参照して下さい |
RC5・DESに続くdistributed.netの挑戦は、チェスでも素数でもなく「最短ゴロム定規(OGR)」でした。 まぁ例によって我々はクライアントプログラムを走らせるだけですが、OGRとは何か、どのようなアルゴリズムで探索しているのか…と言ったことを理解していれば、楽しさも増し、勧誘もし易くなるに違いありません。 そこで、まだ中途半端な内容ではありますが、今まで集めたOGRに関する情報をまとめてみます。
hd?1 ext2 128M hd?2 swap 512M hd?3 ext3 2G hd?5 ext3 17G hd?6 ext3 60Gひとまず /var と /home には hdc の方のを使った。
dpkg --get-selections | diff -u0 - selections-apdrelay | grep '^-'して不要なパッケージ (dhcp とか ppp とか pppoe とか) を purge。 引き続き
cat selections-apdrelay | sudo dpkg --set-selections sudo cp sources.list /etc/apt/ sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade
# # global settings # syslog facility = daemon pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid use chroot = true max connections = 1 hosts allow = [backup-apdrelay] path = /backup uid = root gid = root read only = false comment = apdrelay backupとして作り、/etc/inetd.conf に
#:rsync: rsync stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/rsync rsyncd --daemonを追加、/etc/init.d/inetd reload。
sudo rsync -Havvz -n /var /etc /home apdrelay2.ap.seikei.ac.jp::backup-apdrelayで確認、-n を取って実行。 終了後、バックアップサーバの /etc/cron.daily/backup の rsync 行 *2 を有効にした。
TeraTerm Pro Web is the next generation tool for connecting with remote Telnet and SSH hosts. It is built based on the extremely popular open-source TeraTerm product put out by T. Teranishi in 1999 ( click here for original site). In keeping with the original philosophy and spirit of the author, our modified version is completely free!!試さないと!
sshd 側の log にも Accepted publickey と出ていますし、
# そもそも publickey しか許可してないし。
しかも、○○ *1 は putty も使っていて、pagent にパスフレーズを
というわけで、なにも設定していませんが、publickey を使って
We present a detailed study of the electron emission from a thin MgO(100) film on a Mo substrate, bombarded with slow He+, Ne+, and Ar+ ions. Neither the high absolute number of emitted electrons per incoming ion nor the electron spectra can be due to Auger neutralization of the incoming ions at the MgO surface alone. Therefore, an additional mechanism is proposed: holes created in the MgO film are transported to the MgO-substrate interface where they give rise to an Auger neutralization process involving two electrons from the metal substrate conduction band.ふーむ。要するに Auger Neutralization ではスペクトルを説明できなかったとのこと。 ちなみに Ep〜40eV, d〜1-5 nm。
We introduce a solid-on-solid growth process which evolves by random deposition of dimers, surface diffusion, and evaporation of monomers from the edges of plateaus. It is shown that the model exhibits a robust transition from a smooth to a rough phase. The roughening transition is driven by an absorbing phase transition at the bottom layer of the interface, which displays the same type of critical behavior as the pair contact process with diffusion 2A->3A, 2A->0.リファレンスが多くてよさげ。
WorkSheets(1).Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(2, 2)).Copyは実行時エラーになるのに
WorkSheets(1).Select Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(2, 2)).Copyだと OK だったり。
#!/bin/sh for DIR in bin boot dev etc home lib opt root sbin tmp usr var do mirrordir --no-netrc $* /$DIR /backup/$DIR doneという感じで。/dev あたりは rsync ではだめなので、 やっぱ mirrordir はありがたい。 マニュアルも JM に放り込んでからだいぶ経つが、 そろそろ手をつけたいなあ。
scp mke2fs.8 tune2fs.8 [リターン]してしまい、大変切ない気持ちを味わうことに。
About: The pam_mount module allows users to have NCP (Netware), SMB (Windows/Samba), or loopback-encrypted volumes mounted upon login, using the same passwords they typed to log in. A remote volume can even be used as a user's $HOME. Volumes mounted this way are automatically unmounted on logout. Changes: The Debian "could not get password" bug has been fixed.ちょっと面白いかも。
The motion of a stone skimming over a water surface is considered. A simplified description of the collisional process of the stone with water is proposed. The maximum number of bounces is estimated by considering both the slowing down of the stone and its angular stability. The conditions for a successful throw are discussed.ちょっと面白い :-)
We investigate picosecond laser ablation of metals using a hybrid simulation scheme. Laser energy input into the electron system and heat conduction within it are modeled using a finite-difference scheme for solving the heat conduction equation. Atom motion in the near-surface part (72 nm) of the sample is modeled using molecular dynamics. Energy transfer between the electronic and atomic subsystems due to electron-phonon coupling is taken into account. For the special case of 0.5 ps UV laser irradiation of copper, we investigate the fluence dependence of the ablation yield, the temperature and pressure evolution in the target, and the ablation mechanism.レーザーアブレーションの MD+熱拡散 FDM によるモデル化。 蒸発は レーザーで導入された stress によって物体が spallation するからとの議論。 "stress-confinment regime" らしいが、するとチャンクだらけになるわけか?
Recently, scanning tunneling microscopy results on the Brownian motion of two-dimensional vacancy islands on Ag(110) were presented. While the detachment of adatoms from the island and their diffusion on the terrace was permitted in the temperature range between 180 K and 220 K, the periphery diffusion of single adatoms was prohibited. The Brownian motion of the islands was found to follow a simple scaling law with terrace diffusion being the rate-limiting process. The scaling of the experimental results was confirmed by kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) simulations. Here, we elaborate on the results and especially present a detailed derivation of the equation that relates the diffusivity of an anisotropic island to its size. Further details and results on the kMC simulations will be presented as well. Our results shed light on the recently discussed issue of attempt frequencies for surface diffusion. In this specific case of an anisotropic surface, we obtain prefactor ratios for exchange and hopping mechanisms.Ag(110) 表面での vacancy island の移動の拡散係数 D と、island のサイズがスケール関係にあるという実験結果を受け、kinetic MC で再現を試みた論文。 このスケーリングパラメータは温度 independent らしいんだけど、 実験ではスケール性は確認されたものの、温度によってちょっと変わってるように見える。 anisotoropic な表面なので、kMC での hopping 移動と exchange 移動の確率を変えながら行ってみて island の aspect 比を実験と比較し、その比の範囲を求めたりしている。
The kinetics of diffusion-mediated smoothing of a TiO2 rutile (110) surface is studied over atomic length scales, by using a spot profile analysis of low-energy electron-diffraction data to characterize the morphology of the surface during thermal annealing. After the random removal of less than 1 ML of atoms by sputtering with an argon ion beam, the interface width and the distribution of terrace heights were found to stay nearly constant during annealing at 800 K, with terraces at just two heights making up 90% of the surface area over lateral distances of 400 Angstrom. Meanwhile, the coarsening of this nearly two-dimensional island structure is characterized by the growth of the average terrace width l from 20 to 60 Angstrom with annealing time, following l〜t^β with exponent β= 0.24±0.04. In addition, the stability of an 8% occupation of a third terrace height indicates negligible diffusion flux between layers during annealing. These results are compared with existing models for the microscopic dynamics involved.スパッタダメージを与えた rutile TiO2 (110) の thermal smoothing を diffuse LEED で観察したもの。
同氏によると、今回の最も目立った調整点は、「グーグル爆撃」(googlebombing)と呼ばれる悪ふざけの影響を大幅に抑え込んだことだという。グーグル爆撃というのは、何人ものサイト運営者が自分のページ上に「go to hell」(くたばれ)というような文句書いてそれを www.microsoft.com にリンクさせておくと、グーグルで「go to hell」を検索したときに、米マイクロソフト社のホームページがトップに来る、といういたずらのテクニックだ。にあるんじゃないかと思っています *4 。 だからリンク元のページで「小野澤 英」という単語を用いたのは、 自らのページの「小野澤 英」に対するランクを上げてしまい、 結果的に対象ページのランクを下げる効果となってしまったのでしょう。
In situ high-temperature (Ta = 1050-1250 K) scanning tunneling microscopy was used to determine the coarsening and decay kinetics of two-dimensional TiN adatom and vacancy islands on atomically smooth TiN(111) terraces. We report the first observation of an abrupt decrease in decay rates, irrespective of Ta, of adatom islands with areas less than a critical value of 1600 Angstrom^2. However, no decay rate transition was observed for vacancy islands. We attribute the size-dependent island decay behavior, which is consistent with detachment-limited kinetics, to anisotropic attachment and detachment barriers.ふーむ、anisotoropic な系では attach-detach の energy barrier が異なる、 というのが結論だが、反応経路が違うのかな。
We have produced nanocrystalline titanium dioxide films with different structures (anatase or rutile) by depositing mass selected clusters from the gas phase. Nanoparticles are produced by a pulsed microplasma cluster source and are selected by aerodynamic separation effects. We have characterized nanocrystalline films by Raman spectromicroscopy and transmission electron microscopy, showing that the films assembled with very small clusters have a predominant rutile phase, whereas larger clusters form films with anatase structure. Our observations suggest that phonon confinement effects are responsible for a significant shift and broadening observed for the Raman peaks.
A comprehensive theoretical and experimental study of sputtering from copper surfaces roughened by low-energy Ar+ ion bombardment is reported. The total sputtering yields of thermally deposited Cu samples bombarded by 400-eV and 800-eV ions at 0°-70° angles of incidence have been measured and compared with a numerical model we have developed. To compute sputtering yields from rough surfaces, an original approach has been introduced, which accounts for sputtering anisotropy and shadowing of material emitted at grazing angles. The approach is flexible with respect to surface morphology and can be applied with any submicron structures. To specify the morphology that develops on the Cu surface under low-energy ion bombardment, the surface of bombarded Cu samples has been investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The morphology has been found highly unstable, appearing with random roughening, inclined conelike structures, ripples, or almost flat surfaces, depending on the bombardment conditions. For the samples considered it is found that the angular dependency of the total sputtering yield is strongly affected by surface morphology, which varies with the angle of ion incidence and bombardment energy. Approximations for accounting for the surface roughness required to describe sputtering at particular energy and angular regimes are discussed.おお、すばらしい。って Dew 先生か。 モデルはかなり単純だけど、実測結果が入ってるのがありがたい。