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2002年12月12日(木) [n年日記]

#1 [labo] issp2003 abstract

書き書き。1 件 300 word max。 word-count-mode 絶賛利用中。

CT & MgO:

の 2 件分をとりあえずあげて boss に sent.

#2 [linux] 古い pdumpfs アーカイブの消し方

find $BASE -mindepth 3 -maxdepth 3 -ctime +$DAYSOLD | xargs rm -rf
find $BASE -maxdepth 3 -mtime +$DAYSOLD | xargs rm -rf

#3 [debian] #172651 console-tools: Upgrade hoses keyboard



Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please
test your packages before uploading them.

#4 [pepar] MgO, roughness, secondary electron emission

ちと思い立って SPIN を検索してみた結果。

Ion-induced secondary electron emission behavior of sol?gel-derived MgO thin films used for protective layers in alternating current plasma display panels:

MgO thin films were prepared using two sols (hydrolyzed sol and stabilized sol) and the ion-induced secondary electron emission behavior of the resultant thin films was investigated. A severe fluctuation in the secondary electron emission current was found in MgO films from hydrolyzed sol. The instability of the ion-induced current was due to the nanosized pores, which were formed during the topotactic reaction of Mg(OH)2 to MgO. Nonhydrolyzed MgO films, however, showed a stable ion-induced current. The ion-induced secondary electron emission coefficients (i) of the MgO films had a maximum of 0.95±0.02 when the films were heat treated at 550 °C in O2. The change in i of nonhydrolyzed films was discussed from the viewpoint of crystallinity, residual organics, and surface roughness. The high i and low processing temperature of nonhydrolyzed MgO films revealed that the sol?gel process is suitable to prepare MgO films for use as a protective layer in ac plasma display panel cells.

Secondary electron emission of MgO thin layers prepared by the spin coating method:

Three series of MgO thin films were prepared by the spin coating of MgO precursor solutions (aqueous and organic based solutions) and by electron-beam evaporation. The quality of the films coated on the Si (100) substrate was characterized by observing crystallinity and surface roughness of the films. The measurement of the secondary electron emission (SEE) yield of the MgO films does not reveal any significant dependence on the MgO film fabrication process. However, it was found that the magnitude of the SEE yield is strongly dependent on the sample bias voltage. The maximum SEE yield of over 6 was obtained for the films prepared by both aqueous and organic based solutions. MgO layer formation by precursor solutions is a promising method considering the fact of its easiness and convenience, which also gives a relatively large SEE yield comparable to the MgO layer prepared by electron-beam evaporation.



#5 [dept] 物理情報実験第三 第 5 クール 2 回目



無事 17:00 に終了。ふー

#6 [book] ローマ人の物語

大学図書館に行って 9 巻を返却、10 巻を借りてきた。 ついでに「 11 巻 の購入予定はありますか〜」というのも push してきた。 継続扱いで買ってくれるらしい。

#7 「赤身、白身を問わず肉料理によく合います。」

いわゆる red meat, white meat というやつだと思います。 英和辞典で調べてみてください :-)

#8 お歳暮


#9 [dept] 河田先生


#10 [labo] 液晶モニタ


#11 体調

実験後にまた断続的に 3h ほど沈没。
コメント [全部読む/投稿する]

以上、1 日分です。
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