最新版はこちら。 突っ込みは各日付の BBS エントリのほか、 メール (nakano@st.seikei.ac.jp) や フォーム からどうぞ。 なおスパム除けのため、BBS 機能には 緩い認証を入れて います。 検索エンジンから来た方は、エンジンの方のキャッシュを見るか、 下の簡易検索を試してみてください。
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Energy 3kV 1kV Signal 112nA 23.5nA C.Lens 340 456 O.Lens 367 464 Pos.X 1.0 1.0 Pos.Y 0.7 2.1というかんじで。
着磁前 着磁後 中心部 -0.18T -0.19T 周辺 -0.20T -0.21Tという訳であまり変わらず。ちなみに S 極が上向き (欠けのないほう)。
# ### Section: Security ### # We reject $REJECT_ADDR@ARBITRARY.DOM.AIN since these are clearly NOT # individuals. It also may be effective to avoid mail loop since # some error or automatic reply comes from not individual addresses. # This restriction is stronger than $PERMIT_*_FROM variable. # For example, if $PERMIT_POST_FROM is "anyone", fml does not permit # post from root@some.domain. If you permit it, please define $REJECT_ADDR. # # XXX This variable name is ambiguous. It should be $REJECT_ACCOUNT? # # value: regexp string $REJECT_ADDR = "root|postmaster|MAILER-DAEMON|msgs|nobody|news|majordomo|listserv|listproc|\S+\-help|\S+\-subscribe|\S+\-unsubscribe";とりあえず root を消して解決。
During the last decade, self-affine geometrical properties of many growing aggregates, originated in a wide variety of processes, have been well characterized. However, little progress has been achieved in the search of a unified description of the underlying dynamics. Extensive numerical evidence has been given showing that the bulk of aggregates formed upon ballistic aggregation and random deposition with surface relaxation processes can be broken down into a set of infinite scale invariant structures called "trees". These two types of aggregates have been selected because it has been established that they belong to different universality classes: those of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang and Edward-Wilkinson, respectively. Exponents describing the spatial and temporal scale invariance of the trees can be related to the classical exponents describing the self-affine nature of the growing interface. Furthermore, those exponents allows us to distinguish either the compact or non-compact nature of the growing trees. Therefore, the measurement of the statistic of the process of growing trees may become a useful experimental technique for the evaluation of the self-affine properties of some aggregates.
Many systems of both theoretical and applied interest display multi-affine scaling at small length scales. We demonstrate analytically and numerically that when vertical discontinuities are introduced into a self-affine surface, the surface becomes multi-affine. The discontinuities may correspond to surface overhangs or to an underlying stepped surface. Two surfaces are numerically examined with different spatial distributions of vertical discontinuities. The multi-affinity is shown to arise simply from the surface of vertical discontinuities, and the analytic scaling form at small length scales for the surface of discontinuities is derived and compared to numerical results.
一時期レンタル業界とレコード業界でガシガシにもめてたある時期以降ぱったりレンタルを利用しなくなってしまったので、 視界に入ってなかったです。 そうかあ、深夜営業のツタヤが通勤路 (三鷹) にあるし、 また利用しようかなあ。
▼さて、最初の問いに戻る。ではなぜ「どんな役に立つのか」という質問が毎回出てくるのか? 答えは極めて単純である。ほとんどの人々にとって、ノーベル賞級だろうがなんだろうが、多くの研究成果は極めて遠いものであって、自らの知識になってないからだ。研究者達はしばしば、人類の視野を広げ、より世界を奥深いところで理解するために研究している、という。研究(成果)は人類全体の知の財産だと。ところが実際には、ほとんどの知識・知見は、研究者内部に止まり、「人類全体の」知にはなっていないのである。もちろん、全ての人が全てのことを知るのは不可能だ。だが、理学系の研究がより社会的なコンセンサスを得るためには、たとえ一端でもいいから社会全体に成果が行き渡り、研究によって得られた「視野の拡大」が、ある程度共有されていなければならない。工学系の研究成果がそうであるように。トランジスタや導電性プラスチックが世の中にあまねく行き渡っているように、それとある程度同等に、知識が社会の中で共有されなければ。
Changes: In this version, top takes 1/6 less CPU time than in the 3.0.2 release. It also runs on 64-bit hardware again, has a more normal man page, and won't crash when you have lots of processes. Once again, ps can sort. The install will actually install everything, and now lets you skip things you don't want. Memory corruption dating back to the procps-1.x.x days has been fixed. The library is compiled with -fpic again.
Researchers can use microwaves to learn the structure of soil without disturbing it, according to the 28 October print issue of PRL. In the new technique, ground-penetrating radar captures the soil's distribution of solid particles and pores, up to depths of 10 meters. The technique could give agriculturists and environmental scientists a fast and simple way to measure soil properties, which can determine the land's suitability for crops, say the researchers. (K. Oleschko et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 188501.)関さんのお仕事に関係あるのかしら。
rdiff-backup backs up one directory to another, possibly over a network. The target directory ends up a copy of the source directory, but extra reverse diffs are stored in a special subdirectory of that target directory, so you can still recover files lost some time ago. The idea is to combine the best features of a mirror and an incremental backup. rdiff-backup also preserves subdirectories, hard links, dev files, permissions, uid/gid ownership (if it is running as root), and modification times. Finally, rdiff-backup can operate in a bandwidth efficient manner over a pipe, like rsync. Thus you can use rdiff-backup and ssh to securely back a hard drive up to a remote location, and only the differences will be transmitted.
This HOWTO describes how to install Linux over a Local Area Network (LAN). It covers setting up and administrating the install server machine as well as installing client machines from your server. Since Network Installation is distribution dependent it covers SuSE, Redhat and Debian installs but also includes a generic Linux network install guide.
This HOWTO is for anyone who owns an ATI Radeon 8xxx graphics card and wants it to function in a certain way or, in general, properly with XFree86, the XWindow system. It describes the procedure of making XFree 4.x run on an ATI R200 (Radeon 8xxx series).
sgml2latex -l ja -o dvi SCSI-Programming-HOWTO.sgml dvipdfm -p a4 -o SCSI-Programming-HOWTO.dviで pdf にして印刷。57 枚。
Galeon の設定スキーマを発見できません GConf の設定をチェックし、より詳細な情報については Galeon の FAQ をご覧下さいというメッセージで起動できなくなったが、FAQ の
16. When I run Galeon I get a message about GConf not being configured properly. How can I configure GConf? [snip] If you have trouble with 1.0.7, most likely it's because your home directory is NFS-mounted and either your operating system doesn't support locks in NFS directories or you have stuck locks due to a hard system crash. Try rm -r ~/.gconf*/*lock if you are sure you have no gconfd processes (for your login name) running on any machine using your NFS home directory. If you nuke the lock when gconfd is running and bad stuff happens, it's your own fault. ;-)というので解決した。
π ∞ f(r) = ∫dθ ∫dw S_θ(w) |w| exp(2πj wr cosθ) 0 -∞になるのか。 S のθ依存性はないという仮定だから、 これ積分の順番入換えていいとすると
1 π J_0(z) = -- ∫ exp (jz cosθ) dθ π 0なので *1 、
∞ f(r) = ∫ dw S(w) |w| π J_0(2πwr) -∞かな?(以上 10/21 修正)
In science we often use established code that was developed many years ago. Frequently the documentation is lost and many of us know the feeling of putting a number in the wrong column and trying to understand why the program is not working. However, these old codes are usually very useful, well tested and established. Rather than writing new code from scratch, which must first be tested against the established standard, it is desirable to put a new front end on the standard, commonly referred to as 'wrapping'. This paper will discuss wrapping of FORTRAN code using a selection of other languages to provide simpler user interface.「FORTRAN でいいではないか!」とか言ってみるテスト(笑)
Date: 2002/10/09(Sat) 03:41:19 Download: 1.01Mbps Upload: 412.45kbps
Changes: Linux 2.2.xx users won't get that annoying warning about an ELF note anymore. Other than that, this is an update for top. Now top is even faster, works on dumb terminals, won't mess the screen when you run Linux 2.5.xx, won't show IO-wait unless your kernel supports it, and shows correct CPU stats for cpu0 on an SMP system.