
最新版はこちら。 突っ込みは各日付の BBS エントリのほか、 メール (nakano@st.seikei.ac.jp) や フォーム からどうぞ。 なおスパム除けのため、BBS 機能には 緩い認証を入れて います。 検索エンジンから来た方は、エンジンの方のキャッシュを見るか、 下の簡易検索を試してみてください。

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Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索
詳しくは 詳細指定/ヘルプを参照して下さい

2001年03月01日(木) [n年日記]

#1 [LDP] 3/1 の updates

#2 [URL] DocBook Makefile Templates

What will it be?

#3 [URL] 数値演算を快適にしよう (GCC, G77, BLAS, ATLAS)

FreeBSDで科学技術計算を行おうとした場合、まず気になるのはコンパイラの性能です。 いろいろ考えてやれば、数値演算は速くなりますが、 何も考えなければパフォーマンスが非常に悪いことになりかねません。 どうすればパフォーマンスが よくなるかをいろいろ見てみます。

#4 [paper] RSI 72(3) March 2001

Effect of discharge microwave frequency on electron temperature of electron cyclotron resonance plasma:

Y. Kawai, T. Suzuki, T. Saburi, and Y. Fujii; pp. 1666-1667
The characteristics of argon electron cyclotron resonance plasma discharged by 7.0, 8.0, and 9.4 GHz microwaves were investigated. Experiments were conducted in a fixed magnetic field. It was found that the electron temperatures Te exhibited a trend of Te7.0<Te8.0<Te9.4 (suffixes represent the discharge microwave frequencies).

An add-on secondary electron energy spectrometer for scanning electron microscopes:

A. Khursheed and N. Karuppiah; pp. 1708-1714
This article presents an add-on secondary electron energy spectrometer for scanning electron microscopes (SEMs). The add-on unit fits on to the specimen stage of a conventional SEM, and the SEM is operated as normal. As an objective lens, the add-on unit improves the SEMs spatial resolution by around a factor of 4 at a primary beam energy of 1 keV. The add-on unit functions as a multichannel open-loop voltage contrast spectrometer by employing a bandpass deflector/filter unit whose pass energy is ramped with time. The unit is designed to deflect the secondary electrons while leaving the primary beam unaffected. Initial experimental results show that significant voltage and material contrast can be obtained. In a data acquisition time of 0.32 s, a minimum detectable voltage difference of around 54 mV was obtained. Regions of copper and brass that were indistinguishable via the normal secondary electron image, were distinguished with a signal to noise ratio of around 12 by using the add-on spectrometer.

Surface potential measurements of electron-irradiated insulators using backscattered and secondary electron spectra from an electrostatic toroidal spectrometer adapted for scanning electron microscope applications:

O. Jbara, M. Belhaj, S. Odof, K. Msellak, E. I. Rau and M. V. Andrianov; pp. 1788-1795
A technique for the accurate determination of the surface potential US and its evolution during irradiation, is proposed. The technique is based on detecting both backscattered (BSE) and secondary electrons (SE) in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The (BSE + SE) spectra are measured using a compact, highly sensitive electrostatic toroidal spectrometer (ETS), specially adapted for SEM applications. The use of an ETS analyzer set in a SEM for deducing the surface potential from (SE + BSE) spectra of electron irradiated insulators is introduced here. The surface potential is determined, either from the measured maximum energy of the secondary electron peak, or from its beginning. Various dielectric materials such as MgO, Al2O3, Y2O3, mica (potassium silicate aluminum), and Teflon were studied by this technique. Experimental investigations of the beam energy and current effects on the surface potential of bare insulators are reported. The change, due to this surface potential, in some physical quantities such as the amount of BSEs and the most probable energy of their spectral distribution is also studied. The results concerning coated and grounded insulators highlight the influence of the internal electric field on the BSEs energy distribution. An account of the various benefits of using the toroidal spectrometer in the surface potential measurement is also given.

#5 [linux] sid の ssh

ssh (2.5.1p1-1.4) を設定しています ...
ssh (2.5.1p1-1.5) を設定しています ...
の段階で失敗していたのだが、 postinst のエラー らしい。ボロボロだな(^^;

#6 [labo] 京大大型計算機センターの利用アカウント更新

今年は自動継続だった。業績提出は 4/30 まで。

広報 34(1):

vpp (スパコン), spp(計算サーバ) の unix システムコマンド一覧。 余裕ができたら port してみるかなー

#7 [freshmeat] 2/28 分の新着メールから

#8 [URL] 東京大学運動会ハンドボール部

なぜに geocities...

#9 [labo] boss と雑談

メールウィルスのこととか ネットワークにおけるクライアント/サーバシステムについてとか、 なぜ最近の学生は (特に) 勉強しなくなったのかとか。 最後の件に関しては持論があったので、
やっぱりうちの学科は「落としてない」からでしょう。 例えば一昨年は実際に 3 月に出れなかった卒研生が うちから 2 人出たわけですけど、 その次の年 (つまり去年) の卒研生の気合いの入り方は全然違いましたもの。
...とかいう話をした。 「じゃあ修士も落とそうか」という話が出たかどうかは秘密。

#10 [thesis] パラパラマンガ (非圧縮 gif 6M)

Imagemagick の convert を使って。以下メモ。 B の 400K が全然薄いのはなぜだろう...
コメント [全部読む/投稿する]

2001年03月02日(金) [n年日記]

#1 [LDP] 3/1 の update (2)

#2 [book] skysoft 受取店追加

オンラインオーダー → 書店店頭受け取り (送料無料) ができる スカイソフトだが、これまでの文教堂 etc に加えて 明屋書店でも受取可能となったらしい。

#3 「手前ぇらの血は何色だ」


#4 [URL] 無印良品

ネット通販 もある。

#5 [URL] ユニクロ


#6 [linux] sid の ssh

1:2.5.1p1-1.8 になったけど、 また postinst がバグってるような...

#7 why geocties?

なるほど。 検索してみたら、 成蹊の体育会もほとんどプロバイダ でした。 official な活動なんだから、支援できるといいとは思うんですが、 まだ各大学の情報センターにはそこまでの体力はないのかな。

#8 [URL] グラフ描画ツールについての考察

From \. 大変参考になる。

#9 [labo] 京大大型計算機センター

.tcshrc に alias を追加し、"sakura" で slogin できるようにした。 これでパスワードを忘れても大丈夫(嘘)

そうか、sakura では netnews が読めるのか...

#10 [freshmeat] 3/1 分の新着メールから


#11 [paper] PRB 63(6) 1 Feb 2001

no hit.

#12 [paper] PRB 63(7) 15 Feb 2001

Optical functions and electronic structure of CuInSe2, CuGaSe2, CuInS2, and CuGaS2:

M. I. Alonso, K. Wakita, J. Pascual, M. Garriga, and N. Yamamoto; # 075203
We report on the complex dielectric tensor components of four chalcopyrite semiconductors in an optical energy range (1.4-5.2 eV, from 0.9 eV for CuInSe2) determined at room temperature by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Our results were obtained on single crystals of CuInSe2, CuGaSe2, CuInS2, and CuGaS2. Values of refractive indices n, extinction coefficients k, and normal-incidence reflectivity R in the two different polarizations are given and compared with earlier data where available. We analyze in detail the structures of the dielectric function observed in the studied energy region. Critical-point parameters of electronic transitions are obtained from a fitting of numerically calculated second-derivative spectra d^2e(w)/dw^2. Experimental energies and polarizations are discussed on the basis of published band-structure calculations.

Intrinsic n-type versus p-type doping asymmetry and the defect physics of ZnO:

S. B. Zhang, S.-H. Wei, and Alex Zunger; #075205
ZnO typifies a class of materials that can be doped via native defects in only one way: either n type or p type. We explain this asymmetry in ZnO via a study of its intrinsic defect physics, including Zn_O, Zn_i, V_O, O_i, and V_Zn and n-type impurity dopants, Al and F. We find that Zn_O is n type at Zn-rich conditions. This is because (i) the Zn interstitial, Zn_i, is a shallow donor, supplying electrons; (ii) its formation enthalpy is low for both Zn-rich and O-rich conditions, so this defect is abundant; and (iii) the native defects that could compensate the n-type doping effect of Zn_i (interstitial O, Oi, and Zn vacancy, V_Zn), have high formation enthalpies for Zn-rich conditions, so these "electron killers" are not abundant. We find that Zn_O cannot be doped p type via native defects (O_i, V_Zn) despite the fact that they are shallow (i.e., supplying holes at room temperature). This is because at both Zn-rich and O-rich conditions, the defects that could compensate p-type doping (V_O, Zn_i, Zn_O) have low formation enthalpies so these "hole killers" form readily. Furthermore, we identify electron-hole radiative recombination at the V_O center as the source of the green luminescence. In contrast, a large structural relaxation of the same center upon double hole capture leads to slow electron-hole recombination (either radiative or nonradiative) responsible for the slow decay of photoconductivity.

Resonant photoemission of TiN films:

G. G. Fuentes, P. Prieto, C. Morant, C. Quiros, R. Nunez, L. Soriano, E. Elizalde, and J. M. Sanz; #075403
The bonding and electronic structure of TiN thin films grown by sputtering have been characterized by means of resonant photoemission spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation. Specifically we found a complex resonance profile that exhibits a maximum at 45 eV followed by a second structure at 50 eV. The intensity enhancement observed at 45 and 50 eV is consistent with the resonant photoemission of the Ti 3d states involved in the valence band of TiN and the multiplet configuration of the [Ti 3p^5 3d^2]* excited states. The autoionizing character of the [Ti 3p^5 3d^2]* states could also be confirmed by observation of the corresponding autoionization emission. The resonance is used to determine the Ti 3d contribution to the valence band. The results are in good agreement with calculated Ti 3d partial density of states.

#13 [paper] PRL 63(8) 15 Feb 2001

Si(313)12x1: Another metallic stable surface of silicon having a complex reconstructed layer:

Zheng Gai, R. G. Zhao, T. Sakurai, and W. S. Yang; #085301
By means of scanning tunneling microscopy, the Si(313)12x1 surface has been found to be, after Si(111)7x7, another stable elemental semiconductor surface with a metallic nature. On the basis of the details revealed by the high resolution STM images, an atomically rough model consisting of trenches and a variety of building entities has been proposed for the surface structure for further investigation. The common features of major stable silicon surfaces as well as the similarities and differences between these surfaces and their germanium counterparts are discussed in the context of the driving forces behind the reconstruction of elemental semiconductor surfaces.

Ion bombardment of reconstructed metal surfaces: From two-dimensional dislocation dipoles to vacancy pits:

O. Rodriguez de la Fuente, M. A. Gonzarez, and J. M. Rojo; #085420
By means of scanning tunnel microscopy the surface morphology of reconstructed Au(001) surfaces has been studied after bombardment with 600 eV Ar ions as a function of dose, in the range of 10^13 to 10^16 ions/cm2, and the experimental results analyzed in the light of molecular dynamics simulations using a glue potential. At low dose (5x10^13 ions/cm^2) new defects, different from the commonly observed vacancy islands are reported. They appear as depressions 0.06 nm deep, with a characteristic width of 1.44 nm. Bombardment with similar doses of Pt(001) show the same general behavior. Molecular dynamics simulations with a realistic glue potential that reproduces the hexagonal-like Au(001) reconstruction, confirm that these depressions are in fact two-dimensional /3 dislocation dipoles originated by the relaxation of vacancy rows on the ridges of the topmost reconstructed layer. These two-dimensional dipoles are seen to dissociate into individual two-dimensional dislocations that display the characteristics of ordinary bulk dislocations, e.g. glide or climb. At higher doses (3x10^14 ions/cm^2), but well below a nominal removal of 1 monolayer, vacancy islands, one atomic spacing high, are seen to nucleate on these depressions. With increasing ion damage these vacancy islands become the dominant feature. For doses of about 10^15 ions/cm^2, other defects related to the reconstruction, such as perpendicular reconstruction domains and unreconstructed patches of (001) square symmetry, become visible.

#14 フレッツ ADSL

申し込んでみた。モデムが無いので 4 月下旬らし。 プロバイダは @nifty を予定。

いま別回線の ISDN でつながってる地域プロバイダをやめれば、 月額ではだいぶ安くなるな。 加入権 *1 と ISDN ルータ買う人いませんか(笑)?
*1: 時期的には旬を外してしまっているが(^^;
コメント [全部読む/投稿する]

2001年03月03日() [n年日記]

#1 今日

研究室が床磨き清掃とのことなので、 自宅で雑用。

#2 [freshmeat] 3/2 分の新着メールから

コメント [全部読む/投稿する]

2001年03月04日() [n年日記]

#1 [LDP] 3/4 の update

#2 今日

散髪・洗濯。晩飯の親子丼を食いながら バルサvsマドリー を見る。 フィーゴかっこええのお。

#3 [freshmeat] 3/3 分の新着メールから

#4 [URL] パッケージ管理 rpm と deb の対比 〜そして apt の世界〜

コメント [全部読む/投稿する]

2001年03月05日(月) [n年日記]

#1 [paper] Physics News Update 526

#1 All-metal Superconductivity at 40K:

例の MgB2 のアレ。

#2 [URL] ホームページ作成のための Coloring Room

#3 [book] UNIX という考え方


#4 [paper] Journal of Chemical Physics

114(9,10) と見てみたが、ちょっと違う感じ。 まあ検索用と割り切っても $100/year は reasonable かな。 毎週の survey reading はちょっと分量的にツライかも...

#5 [paper] JAP 89(6) 15 March 2001

Vaporization of heated materials into discharge plasmas:

Michael Keidar, Jing Fan, Iain D. Boyd and Isak I. Beilis; pp.3095-3098
The vaporization of condensed materials in contact with high-current discharge plasmas is considered. A kinetic numerical method named direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) and analytical kinetic approaches based on the bimodal distribution function approximation are employed. The solution of the kinetic layer problem depends upon the velocity at the outer boundary of the kinetic layer which varies from very small, corresponding to the high-density plasma near the evaporated surface, up to the sound speed, corresponding to evaporation into vacuum. The heavy particles density and temperature at the kinetic and hydrodynamic layer interface were obtained by the analytical method while DSMC calculation makes it possible to obtain the evolution of the particle distribution function within the kinetic layer and the layer thickness.

In situ determination of absolute number densities of nitrogen molecule triplet states in an rf-plasma sheath:

B. Krames, Th. Glenewinkel-Meyer and J. Meichsner; pp.3115-3120
A laser induced fluorescence technique (LIF) in combination with optical emission spectroscopy (OES) and Rayleigh scattering (RS) was applied to investigate absolute number densities of the population of the three nitrogen triplet states C^3Πu, B^3Πg, and the metastable A^3Σ u+ in an asymmetric low pressure rf discharge. Primary targets of this investigation were the three lowest vibrational levels (v = 0,1,2) of each triplet state and additionally v = 8 of A^3Σu+ which can be populated very efficiently in the plasma sheath. Calibration of LIF intensities to absolute densities of A^3Σu+ and B^3Πg has been realized by comparison with the signal of the RS experiment done in pure nitrogen gas. Calibration of C^3Πu which we could not detect by LIF but rather only by OES was achieved after comparing OES and LIF signals of the B^3Πg state. Excitation energies of the analyzed states range from 6 up to 11.5 eV and the measured number densities differ by about seven orders of magnitude from as much as 1012 cm?3 down to almost 105 cm?3. In addition to the interpretation of the results this article describes the used calibration methods which are partly based on a suggestion made by P. Bogen (Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Invited Papers, edited by W. Botticher, H. Wenk, and E. Schultz-Gulde, Dusseldorf, 1983, pp. 164-173).

Chemical modification of sputtered amorphous-carbon surfaces:

Pieter B. Leezenberg, William H. Johnston, and George W. Tyndall; pp.3498-3507
Methods to chemically passivate the surfaces of amorphous-carbon films (a-C) produced by dc magnetron sputtering were studied. The chemical composition of carbon surfaces produced via sputtering are dependent upon the environment to which the carbon is exposed immediately following deposition. When the sputtered film is vented to ambient conditions, free radicals produced at the surface during the deposition process are quenched by reaction with oxygen and/or water to form an oxidized, hydrophilic surface. If the sputtered carbon film is, however, exposed to a reactive gas prior to venting to ambient, the chemical nature of the resulting surface can be modified substantially. Specifically, a less highly oxidized and much more hydrophobic carbon surface is produced when the surface free radicals are quenched via either an addition reaction (demonstrated with a fluorinated olefin) or a hydrogen abstraction reaction (demonstrated with two alkyl amines). Chemical modification of amorphous-carbon films can also be accomplished by performing the sputtering in a reactive plasma formed from mixtures of argon with molecular hydrogen, amines, and perfluorocarbons. The elemental composition of these films, and the relative reactivity of the surfaces formed, were investigated via x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and contact-angle goniometry, respectively. In the case of sputtering with a mixture of argon and hydrogen, increasing the hydrogen flow results in an increase in the amount of hydrogen incorporated into the carbon film and a decrease in the surface free energy. Sputtering in diethylamine produces an amorphous-carbon film into which nitrogen is incorporated. The free energies of the a-C:N surfaces produced in this process are similar to those of the a-C:H films. Sputtering in a fluorocarbon vapor results in the incorporation of fluorine into the film structure and the formation of very low free-energy surfaces. Increasing the concentration of the fluorocarbon in the sputtering plasma increases the amount of F incorporated into the film. At the highest fluorocarbon flow rates employed, a-C films were produced with stoichiometries and surface free energies comparable to those of bulk Teflon.
また Netscape が死んだ...

#6 [URL] ブックマークコンバータ NN<->IE

IE のお気に入りって、自動で sort されちゃうのかしらん。せつない。

#7 [linux] ssh の BTS


#8 [freshmeat] 3/4 分の新着メールから

#9 [URL] (X11 を中心とした)フリーの日本語ビットマップフォント一覧

#10 肩コリ


#11 [dept] 送別会

一戸さんの official な送別会。於葡萄屋。


サーロインのレアを頼んだら脂身が強すぎた。 我ながら信じられないが、最後の脂身は残してしまった。 次はフィレにしましょう。

#12 [URL] Hub間を無線接続する4ポートスイッチング Hub

from \.
コメント [全部読む/投稿する]

2001年03月06日(火) [n年日記]

#1 [LDP] 3/5 の update (2)

#2 [freshmeat] 3/5 分の新着メールから

#3 花粉症


#4 [paper] arXiv cond-matt

A thermal Re-emission Model:

Amit Kr. Chattopadhyay; #0103019
Starting from a continuum description, we study the non-equilibrium roughening of a thermal re-emission model for one and two spatial dimensions. Using standard analytical techniques, we map our problem to a generalized version of an earlier non-local KPZ (Kardar-Parisi-Zhang) model. In 2+1 dimensions, the values of the roughness and the dynamic exponents calculated from our theory go like $ \alpha \approx z \approx 1 $ and in 1+1 dimensions, the exponents resemble the KPZ values for low vapor pressure, supporting experimental results. Interestingly, Galilean invariance is maintained althrough.

#5 [URL] Backups

テープを使ったバックアップに関する情報。あまりないので貴重かも。 外人さんから Travan の使い方をメールで聞かれたので google 経由で到達。


#6 [thesis] 最近の進捗

very slow。というかやる気レス。 何かきっかけをつかまないとまじでヤバイなあ。

#7 [JM] 今日の作業

rp-pppoe のマニュアルの インポート 。もろ個人的動機。
コメント [全部読む/投稿する]

2001年03月07日(水) [n年日記]

#1 [LDP] 3/7 の update

#2 [labo] 年度末大掃除

年末の が流れた分の穴埋め。 今度卒業する 4 年生 6 人と実行。2h 程で。

#3 [freshmeat] 3/6 分の新着メールから

#4 アイボン

目の痒み に対して試してみる。 なかなかいい感じ。 ただ今度は鼻の奥がむず痒いのが気になってきた...

#5 [linux] Debian Bug Rep. #88774

ssh 2.5.1p1-1.8 の postinst のバグ。

#6 [dept] 学科メールサーバの virus 対策

学科の staff が実際に Virus メールの被害にあってしまい、 こないだの 送別会 の席で話題になったので、ちょっと調べてみる。

AMaViS - A Mail Virus Scanner:

ports にもなってるし、使うならこれかな。 実際に virus scan するソフトは別に必要になる ようだが、FreeBSD で使えるのは SophosKaspersky くらい らしい。 *1 前者には 日本代理店 が見つかった。


Sophos 日本代理店のページからさらに辿って到着した販売代理店。 割にリーズナブルな値段かもしれない。 とりあえずメールを送ってみた。


こういうことをやってしまうと、 実際に破られたとき、 こっちに責任が来てしまうような気がしないでもない...

*1: Linux だと トレンドマイクロの InterScan VirusWall あたりが手頃そうな感じだけど。

#7 無線 LAN

さすがに rsync とかすると 100base-T よりはっきり遅いことがわかる (←あたりまえ)。
コメント [全部読む/投稿する]

2001年03月08日(木) [n年日記]

#1 [LDP] 3/8 の updates

(23:19 add)

#2 [URL] from Linux Journal Dec 2000 issue.

SISAL is an efficient functional programming language for numerical computation on both serial and parallel computers. It has advantages of safety and clarity over conventional programming languages, and it parallelizes without programmer intervention on certain machines. (Unfortunately, not Linux for now!)
Selected Computing Sciences Technical Reports (Lucent Tech.)
#54 が "Nroff/Troff User's Manual"。
fping - a program to ping hosts in parallel
fping is a ping(1) like program which uses the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request to determine if a host is up.
ippl - IP Protocols Logger
ippl is a daemon which logs IP packets sent to a computer. It runs in the background, and displays information about the incoming packets.

#3 [freshmeat] 3/7 分の新着メールから

#4 [linux] ReiserFS and NFS

from "Journaling with ReiserFS" on LJ Feb 2001
ReiserFS has problems supporting NFS because 64 bits of information are required to find an object in the tree, and NFS expects to find an inode with just the inode number (32-bits long). The good news is the NFS file handle has enough room to store the extra information ReiserFS needs in order to find the file again later, and other kernel developers have written APIs to give the file system control over some of the file handle. By the time this article is out, there should be public patches to add proper NFS support to ReiserFS.
コメント [全部読む/投稿する]

2001年03月09日(金) [n年日記]

#1 [labo] 科研費の年度末報告書

できた。 さすがに二度目だと勝手がわかってる分作業は楽。



#2 [LDP] 3/9 の updates

#3 [dept] 学科サーバ

gd, png, rsync, sudo, wget の各 ports を update。 apache はまだ。

#4 [linux] mailcrypt

なぜか一度 mc-sign をした後でないと mc-sign-region できなかったので、 /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/mailcrypt/mailcrypt.el を覗きつつ
(load-library "mailcrypt")
(mc-setversion "2.6")
(autoload 'mc-sign-region "mc-toplev" nil t)
としたらできるようになった。 とはいえどこにも 公開鍵 登録してないので、sign することなど実生活ではほとんどないのだが(苦笑)

#5 [freshmeat] 3/8 分の新着メールから

#6 [labo] 注文記録

epsio 2000 用の廃トナーボトル。 西東京リコーへ。月曜着予定とのこと。

#7 [URL][linux] Exploring SGML DocBook

コメント [全部読む/投稿する]

2001年03月10日() [n年日記]

#1 [freshmeat] 3/9 分の新着メールから

コメント [全部読む/投稿する]

以上、10 日分です。
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