最新版はこちら。 突っ込みは各日付の BBS エントリのほか、 メール (nakano@st.seikei.ac.jp) や フォーム からどうぞ。 なおスパム除けのため、BBS 機能には 緩い認証を入れて います。 検索エンジンから来た方は、エンジンの方のキャッシュを見るか、 下の簡易検索を試してみてください。
Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索 詳しくは 詳細指定/ヘルプを参照して下さい |
This document explains how to quickly setup a linux server to provide what diskless linux clients require to get up and running, using an IP network. It includes data and partly rewritten text from the Diskless-HOWTO, the Diskless-root-NFS-HOWTO, the linux kernel documentation, the linux terminal server project's homepage, and the author's personal experience, acquired when working for Logilab.* NEW entry
eth0: NE2000 Compatible: io 0x300, irq 3, hw_addr 00:40:26:B6:B0:86 cs4281: cs_4281_write_ac97()- unable to write. ACCTL_DCV activeとあっさり認識。
wvlan_cs: WaveLAN/IEEE PCMCIA driver v1.0.6 wvlan_cs: (c) Andreas Neuhaus <andy@fasta.fh-dortmund.de> wvlan_cs: index 0x01: Vcc 3.3, irq 3, io 0x0100-0x013f wvlan_cs: Registered netdevice eth0 wvlan_cs: MAC address on eth0 is 00 90 4b ** ** ** wvlan_cs: This is LinkSys/D-Link card, not a Wavelan IEEE card :-( You may want report firmare revision (0x7) and what the card support. I will try to make it work, but you should look for a better driver.ということで、DHCP なアドレスや経路は取ってくるのだが、 ftp などをしようとすると刺さった。だめか。
Socket 0: product info: "Accton", "IEEE802.11 PC Card Adapter", "Version 01.02", "" manfid: 0x0156, 0x0002 function: 6 (network)なのだが、この manfid は /etc/pcmcia/config だと
card "Intersil PRISM2 11 Mbps Wireless Adapter" manfid 0x0156, 0x0002 bind "wvlan_cs"と登録されている。うーむ。
gSoko is GTK+ clone of Sokoban, a puzzle game where you have to push boxes over special squares. Changes: Automatically saving/reloading level to/from $HOME/.gsokorc, and an unlimited undo.む!
libhtmlparse is an HTML parsing library written in ANSI C that helps you parse HTML documents. It calls certain callbacks that you define whenever something in the document is found. Changes: Fixes for stability bugs, code cleanups, use of libtool for shared libraries, and Makefile.am changes.
SYSLINUX is a boot loader for the Linux operating system which operates off of MS-DOS floppies. It is intended to simplify first-time installation of Linux, rescue disks, and other uses for boot floppies. A SYSLINUX floppy can be manipulated using standard MS-DOS (or any other OS that can access an MS-DOS filesystem) tools once it has been created, and requires only a
8K DOS program or ~ 16K Linux program to create it in the first place. It also includes PXELINUX, a program to boot off a network server using a boot PROM compatible with the Intel PXE (Pre-Execution Environment) specification, and ISOLINUX, a program to boot off ISO 9660 CD-ROMs in native mode. Changes: Support for graphical splash and help screens, and addition of ISOLINUX, a program which boots Linux from CD-ROMs without using "floppy emulation" mode.
% sshd -\? OpenSSL version mismatch. Built against 90600f, you have 90601fBTS には既に レ ポ ー ト が 殺到 していた。
AMaViS (A Mail Virus Scanner) scans e-mail attachments for viruses using third-party virus scanners available for UNIX environments. It resides on a UNIX (Linux) machine and looks through the attached files arriving via e-mail, generates reports when a virus is found and sets the delivery on hold. Changes: Added support for Command AntiVirus (CSAV) for Linux preliminary support for sendmail milter interface, requires Archive-Zip from CPAN! The unzip command is not needed anymore, new options to configure script. configure now checks for AvpBSDDaemon, too. Found virus(es) now listed in notification messages to sender and recipient(s); no notification message is returned to the sender if the sender address is empty, or if precedence is bulk/list. Drastically improved logging facility to make debugging easier.ふに。
gs-cjk provides the patches for ghostscript to handle CJK (Traditional/Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) TrueType fonts as CID-Keyd fonts. Changes: Initial public release.む。
# cat /dev/hdc > /home2/CDbackup/NSW2001.iso # mkdir /home2/CDbackup/NSW2001 # mount /home2/CDbackup/NSW2001.iso /home2/CDbackup/NSW2001 -t iso9660 -o loopとして、/etc/samba/smb.conf に
[NSW2001] path = /home2/CDbackup/NSW2001 read only = yes browseable = yesというエントリを追加。 あとは win なホストでドライブレターを割り当ててインストール。うむ。
rsyncd[18875]: transfer interrupted (code 11) at main.c(276)という謎のエラーを吐いていた。
gfontview is a GTK+ font viewer for PostScript Type 1 and TrueType fonts. It allows you to display any character or string in a particular font as well as all glyphs present in it. It supports antialiasing and kerning. It can also print font samples and font catalogs. Changes: GNOME support, a fix for glyphs with no width, code reordering, new encodings in Type1 fonts, new character map information in TrueType properties, showing baselines (in x) and origin (in y) for better showing of glyph positioning in the fontmap, the font table for TT fonts is no longer a notebook, and drag & drop support that works with GNOME and KDE2.
Japanese Kanji (JISX0208.1990): k16-1990.bdf by ntakahas@etl.go.jp and takada@seraph.ntt.jpのようですね (/usr/share/doc/xfonts-intl-japanese/copyright より)。 gnu で配ってるやつ です。
This page contains numerous resources for people using troff. My thanks to the Computing Sciences Research Group at Bell Labs for making PostScript copies of so many of their reports available.
export EDITOR=emacsclientとしておくのではだめなんすか?
Because the design and the security ramifications of CVS's pserver scare me, I do not offer traditional anonymous cvs access to my CVS repository. However, you can access it using an anonymous CVS over ssh method that I've hacked together.
MaraDNS is a DNS server that strives to be secure and fully open-sourced. Changes: Since MTAs often use an "all record types" query to get the A and MX record in a single DNS reply, I have hacked "all record types" support in to MaraDNS. An "all record types" query now returns all of the A and MX records for a given hostname.
The sysstat package contains the sar, mpstat, and iostat commands for Linux. The sar command collects and reports system activity information. This information can also be saved in a system activity file for future inspection. The iostat command reports CPU statistics and I/O statistics for tty devices and disks. The statistics reported by sar concern I/O transfer rates, paging activity, process-related activites, interrupts, network activity, memory and swap space utilization, CPU utilization, kernel activities, and TTY statistics, among others. Both UP and SMP machines are fully supported. Changes: Better network interfaces handling -- now takes into account the fact that they may be registered/unregistered dynamically, changes to the formula used to display statistics in order to avoid overflow conditions, a fix for a bug in iostat where the %util value scaled incorrectly, better long filename management by iostat, mpstat and sar no longer periodically display the title line when stdout has been redirected to a pipe or a file, the sa2.sh shell script has been updated (now exec sadc), the configuration script has been updated, and the isag command improved.
Windows パスワードとネットワークパスワードやスクリーンセーバーパスワードを同期させるには?
Windows パスワードはコントロールパネルの「パスワード」から変更できますが、このとき Microsoft ネットワーククライアントやスクリーンセーバーパスワードを同期させるかチェックボックスで選択することが可能です。
常に同期させたい (常に同期のチェックを入れたい) 場合、次の手順でレジストリを変更して下さい。
Windows パスワードの認証を無効にする (というかネットワークパスワード認証だけにする) のってできないんかね。
- [スタート]−[ファイル名を指定して実行] から regedit を起動します。
- Microsoft ネットワーククライアントのパスワードを同期させたい場合、HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System \CurrentControlSet \Control \PwdProvider \MSNP32 を開き、[編集]−[新規]−[バイナリ] をクリックします。
- 「新規値 #1」 の名前を UseMasterKey に変更し、これをダブルクリックします。
- UseMasterKey の値に 00 00 00 01 を設定します。
- スクリーンセーバーパスワードを同期させたい場合は、HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\CurrentControlSet \Control \PwdProvider \SCRSAVE を開き、[編集]−[新規]−[バイナリ] をクリックします。
- 「新規値 #1」 の名前を UseMasterKey に変更し、これをダブルクリックします。 UseMasterKey の値に 00 00 00 01 を設定します。
babarelay ypserv[12751]: refused connect from ***.***.***.***:1178 to procedure ypproc_matchなるエラー。しばらく悩んでいたのだが、 /etc/ypserv.securenets に ***.***.***.*** のエントリがないせいだった (しかもパッケージデフォルトの /var/yp/securenets から変更されてたのでなおさら)。 BTS にレポート。
NetHawk RF-100Eは、10BASE-T ポートを有するあらゆるOA機器を無線化する、 IEEE802.11b準拠のスタンドアローン無線LANアダプタです。 パソコンの他、10BASE-T ポートを有するプリンタや その他のネットワーク機器を無線LAN化することができます。元麻布春男氏の インプレ とか Lepton さんの 作業メモ とか。後者はハマり所も書いてあるので、実際に使うなら必見。
env -u LANG apt-get upgradeでどうでしょう。
Changes: This release fixes the printing of starting URLs in email, removes duplicate headers in a report, tries more environment variables to set a temporary directory, avoids using printf on pipes, and fixes a silly typo.
Changes: Ability to configure and compile from any directory (not only from the source dir), stricter command line syntax, a bugfix to set umask to the value it got at start before running a job, and a fix for a bug that used to make the "truncated" system work incorrectly, causing fcron crash on a too long log message.
Changes: This release includes many bugfixes, compilation on more systems, default font support per locale, and some other small enhancements.
Changes: New features, updates, and bugfixes.
#!/bin/sh env LANG=C date > datafile (なんかの処理) env LANG=C date >> datafileとかして時刻を記録しておく。 date が日本語ロケールで動いてるとうまくいかないので注意。
#!/usr/bin/perl use Time::ParseDate; $file = $ARGV[0]; open DF, "head -1 $file |"; $stime_str = <DF>; chomp $stime_str; $stime = parsedate($stime_str, NO_RELATIVE); close DF; open DF, "tail -1 $file |"; $etime_str = <DF>; chomp $etime_str; $etime = parsedate($etime_str, NO_RELATIVE); close DF; print "start: $stime_str\n"; print "end: $etime_str\n"; $elapsed = $etime - $stime; print "elapsed: $elapsed (s)\n";というようなスクリプトを meastime.pl とかいう名前で作り、
./meastime.pl datafileで OK。
Changes: This release includes improved ARM support, improved DOS file system support, improved MIPS support, and the documentation is now under the GNU Free Documentation License.
$csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({'binary' => 1}); $str = '日本語,fugahoge,mugemoge' $csv->parse($str);のように、new するときに binary 属性を追加するといいようだ。
This document describes how to build, configure, install, and use a custom MPEG3 player box. It lists the necessary hardware and answers a number of frequently asked questions.* NEW entry
security = server password server = babagwしたら、なぜか認証が通らなくなっていた。 理由は encrypt passwords が食い違っていたから、と判明。
GNU shtool is a compilation of small but very stable and portable shell scripts into a single shell tool. All ingredients were in successful use over many years in various free software projects. The compiled shtool program is intended to be used inside the source tree of free software packages. There it can overtake various (usually non-portable) tasks related to the building and installation of an free software package. Changes: Fix `shtool mkdir': option -m was only applied if option -p was present. Fixed a few whitespace inconsistencies in shtool.pod and the usage line of `shtool tarball.' Added support for three usage lines to shtoolize.sh.