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This document describes how to install Windows 98, Windows 2000, DOS and Linux using GRUB.* NEW entry
From cassette tapes to disk drives, the most popular way to store data is with magnetic materials. Yet exactly how individual magnetic bits reverse direction during writing and re-writing is still poorly understood. In the 22 January PRL a Canadian group reports the fastest and most spatially detailed movies of the flipping of micrometer-sized magnets. For the first time, the experiments reveal how the slow and complex flipping patterns of magnetic domains within a micromagnet can be coordinated and sped up with magnetic fields. The results help researchers better understand magnetic switching and may help designers optimize magnetic storage devices. (B. C. Choi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 728. COMPLETE Focus story with VIDEOS at http://focus.aps.org/v7/st3.html )
For the first time, physicists in two separate laboratories have effectively brought a light pulse to a stop. In the process, physicists have accomplished another first: the non-destructive and reversible conversion of the information carried by light into a coherent atomic form. Sending a light pulse into specially prepared rubidium (Rb) vapor, a group at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics led by Ron Walsworth (617-495-7274) and Mikhail Lukin (617-496-7611) has (1) slowed the pulse's "group velocity" to zero and (2) stored its information in the form of an atomic "spin wave," a collective excitation in the Rb atoms. (A spin wave can be visualized as a collective pattern in the orientation of the atoms, which spin like tops and hence act like tiny bar magnets. "Spin" is merely the name for the tiny magnetic vector in each of the atoms.) The atomic spin wave is coherent and long-lived, which enables the researchers to store the light pulse's information and then convert it back into a light pulse with the same properties as the original pulse.
description: The L math processor (lmp) implements many basic primitives for mathematical solution of equations and terms just like the FSF tool expr. But further, lmp handles floating point numbers and knows some more operations. changes: Many bugfixes, code cleanups, documentation updates, etc.
description: This patch integrates SecurID authentication services directly into the OpenSSH daemon, allowing users to use SecurID tokens directly as their passwords instead of relying on the clunky sdshell.
description: Exmh is an X user interface for MH mail. MH provides a set of UNIX commands that manage folders and mail messages. MH has a zillion features as a result of several years of availability. Exmh provides a graphical interface to many of these features, as well as MIME, PGP/GPG support, NNTP, and more. changes: This release adds an flist patch for flaky NFS connections, improved support for POP mailserver access, a symlink attack fix, a fix for users of the auto-pack feature, various minor PGP fixes, support for direct procmail use (instead of slocal), undo for the sedit shell, and a filter to sedit (pipe a region through a Unix command).
description: Bashish is a theme-engine for bash and other shells (zsh, tcsh, rc, akanga, ksh and other POSIX-style shells) that will customize nearly all aspects of the terminal: title, colors, prompt, font, background, etc. With its scalable design, Bashish aims to create a developer- and user-friendly theme engine. changes: Font restore in X and app-theme bugs have been fixed. It is now possible to use 'aliases' instead of functions with app-themes. Debugging has been updated. bt/override and bt/default are now read upon app-theme changes.
Using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and first-principles local-spin-density-approximation calculations to study submonolayer films of Co_(1-c)Ag_c/Ru(0001) alloys, we have discovered a novel phase-separation mechanism. When the Ag concentration c exceeds 0.4, the surface phase separates between a dislocated, pure Ag phase and a pseudomorphically strained Co0.6Ag0.4 surface alloy. We attribute the phase separation to the competition between two stress relief mechanisms: surface alloying and dislocation formation. The agreement between STM measurements and our calculated phase diagram supports this interpretation.
Using a time-of-flight technique we have investigated the backscattering of 5 keV Ar2+ and Ar11+ projectiles from Au(110). A strong dependence on target azimuth is found for the neutral flux resulting from (quasi)binary projectile collisions with target atoms, while for the charged components only a weak dependence is seen. A deconvolution of the observed dependences based on trajectory simulations clearly shows site-specific neutralization differences between the various possible binary collisions occurring with surface atoms. Such differences must be properly accounted for in order to permit meaningful comparison with theory.
% This is a MATLAB m-file % automatically generated via bgraph.pl clear; LR = [0 4.5 4.5 6.5 6.5]'; LH = [0 0 -2 -2 -4.5]'; UR = [0 4 4 1 1 ]'; UH = [5 5 6.5 6.5 10.0]'; CC = [0.85 0.75 0.85 0.75 0.85]'; theta = [0:pi/20:2*pi]; LX = LR * cos(theta); LY = LR * sin(theta); LZ = LH * ones(1,41); CM(:,:,1) = CC * ones(1,41); CM(:,:,2) = CC * ones(1,41); CM(:,:,3) = CC * ones(1,41); UX = UR * cos(theta); UY = UR * sin(theta); UZ = UH * ones(1,41); hold off; surf(LX,LY,LZ,CM); hold on; surf(UX,UY,UZ,CM); shading flat; clear F; F = [ (list of data points of flying particles) ]; FX = 100 * F(:,1); FY = 100 * F(:,2); FZ = 100 * F(:,3); plot3(FX, FY, FZ, 'r.', 'MarkerSize', 2); clear T; T = [ (list of data points of trapped particles) ]; TX = 100 * T(:,1); TY = 100 * T(:,2); TZ = 100 * T(:,3); plot3(TX, TY, TZ, 'b.', 'MarkerSize', 2); xlabel('X (cm)', 'fontsize', 20); ylabel('Y (cm)', 'fontsize', 20); zlabel('Z (cm)', 'fontsize', 20); axis([-10 10 -10 10 -5 10]); set(findobj('type', 'axes'), 'linewidth', 3); set(findobj('type', 'axes'), 'fontsize', 15); xtick = -10:5:10; ytick = xtick; ztick = -5:5:10; set(gca, 'xtick', xtick); set(gca, 'ytick', ytick); set(gca, 'ztick', ztick); set(gca, 'position', [0.15 0.13 0.7 0.7]); title('T = 2 ns', 'fontsize', 30); print -depsc2 C1.eps結果。赤がまだ飛んでるやつ、青が壁についたやつ。 できる eps は 6553760 BYTES となるのだが、 gzip すると 72921 BYTES になってしまう。 これなんとかならんのだろうか...
description: dailystrips is a utility to download your favorite online comic strips each day. What sets it apart from the rest is its "local" mode of operation, which automatically downloads strips for you. changes: No more dependence on wget and date, and an option to skip downloading when a strip already exists.
description: The ManEdit UNIX Manual Page Editor is an editor specifically tailored for UNIX manual pages. It has a preview viewer, uses the manual page XML format for easy editing, and comes with a tutorial and reference guide. It uses the GTK+ widget set and features syntax highlighting, a complete drag and drop system for easy viewing and editing, a crash recovery system, and sample manual page templates. changes: New DND target highlighting, numerous language (internationalization) and widget set patches, and a new create manual page button.
changes: Better character set support for mkisofs (mainly for HFS).
description: Dia2Code is a small utility to make code from a Dia Diagram, and eases the programmer's work by generating the structure of the classes in an Object Oriented language (like C++ and Java) from a graphical representation of them (a la Dia Diagram). changes: This release includes some bugfixes and new features. It now also generates C code and JavaBean-like methods for each attribute (getAttr and setAttr).
changes: This release fixes several problems, including a file descriptor leak that was crashing the program on some systems. Several plug-ins, script-fu, and perl-fu scripts have also been fixed.
Describes how to use XML-RPC to implement clients and servers in a variety of languages. Provides example code in Perl, Python, C, C++, Java and PHP. Includes sections on Zope and KDE 2.0. Applies to all operating systems with XML-RPC support.* NEW entry
Molecular dynamics (MD) methods with a modified Tersoff potential have been used to simulate high-energy (50 keV) displacement cascades in β-SiC. The results show that the cascade lifetime is very short, 10 times shorter than that in metals, and the surviving defects are dominated by C interstitials and vacancies, which is similar to behavior for 10 keV cascades in SiC. Antisite defects are generated on both sublattices. Although the total number of antisite defects remaining at the end of the cascade is smaller than that of Frenkel pairs, the number of Si antisites is larger than the number of Si interstitials. Most surviving defects are single interstitials and vacancies, and only 19% of the interstitial population is contained in clusters. The size of the interstitial clusters is small, and the largest cluster found, among all the cascades considered, contained only four interstitial atoms, which is significantly different behavior than obtained by MD simulations in metals. It is observed that all clusters are created by a quenched-in mechanism directly from the collisional phase of the cascade to their final arrangements. The initial Si recoil traveled about 65 nm on average, generating multiple subcascades and forming a dispersed arrangement in the cascade geometry. These results suggest that in-cascade or direct-impact amorphization in SiC does not occur with any high degree of probability during the cascade lifetime of Si cascades, even with high-energy recoils, consistent with previous experimental and MD observations.
description: Q is a general-purpose programming language based on the term rewriting calculus, featuring symbolic evaluation of expressions using a set of equations supplied by the user. Q provides an interface to C, and interface modules to TCL/Tk and GNU Octave are also available. The distribution includes the Q bytecode interpreter, a standard library, and an Emacs mode; a Windows GUI frontend can be obtained as a separate package. changes: Initial freshmeat announcement.
#!/usr/local/bin/jperl $_="■タイトルだよ□サブタイトルなの◆ちょっと偉い見出し・項目1・項目2"; @buf = split /[■□◆・]/; foreach $x (@buf) { print "$x\n"; }とかでしょうか。 j じゃない perl なら /■|□|◆|・/ ですかね。 2byte をうまく処理してくれなくて悲しいことになるかもしれないので。 区切り文字も含めたい場合はいっぺん置換してやるしかないんじゃないかと。
# apt-get install libstatistics-descriptive-perl % man Statistics::Descriptiveして、以下のような感じで。
#!/usr/bin/perl use Statistics::Descriptive; @sample = (1..10); $stat = Statistics::Descriptive::Sparse->new(); $stat->add_data(@sample); $count = $stat->count(); $mean = $stat->mean(); $stdev = $stat->standard_deviation(); print "count: $count\n"; print "mean: $mean\n"; print "stdev: $stdev\n";
This MiniHowto covers conversion of old email in Microsoft Outlook (not Outlook Express!) to typical Unix file formats.* NEW entry
changes: This is a bugfix release.
body: Anonymous has had his eye on his Web server logs lately, and is worried at the shift in the ratio of Netscape to IE browsers hitting his pages. He worries that, if we're not careful, this trend on the desktop could undo all the progress Linux has made in the server room, and he offers some ideas on how we could fix things.まえに ChangeLog にのってた記事とは別ものみたい。
changes: Fixes for several serious security holes, many bugfixes (especially to IXFR and TSIG), and a new "ndc reload -noexpired" feature. "ndc status" shows config file name and age. Stuck stale queries are ignored after long zone load delay, TTL 0 is allowed in zone files, and portability fixes were made for WinNT. Several contrib/ packages were updated, a port to Darwin (Mac OS X) was made, and forwarders are used in order by measured RTT. urgency: high
誠に申し訳ありませんが、大変残念なご報告があります。お客様のご注文内容のうち、 以下の商品については入手できないことが判明いたしました。 熊谷 寛夫(編さん), 富永 五郎(編さん) "真空の物理と応用" お客様にこの商品をお届けできる見込みでしたが、現時点ではどの仕入先 からも入手できないことが判明いたしました。お客様のご期待に背くお知らせ となりますと共に、お客様にご迷惑をおかけしたことをお詫びいたします。があん。
description: MH-Watch is a simplistic console frontend to mh and nmh that is slowly mutating into a useful MUA. It gives you a summary of the number of new mails in each folder, and a scan of messages in the current folder along with an ASCII image of an inbox along the same lines as the various X-based new-mail checkers (e.g., the GNOME mailcheck applet).
description: nvi is a version of the vi editor which supports all the historic ex/vi features except for open mode and the lisp edit option (e.g., it has a fully implemented underlying ex mode). It contains a number of additional features, including an experimental GTK frontend in the development version. changes: Several small bugfixes.
description: cvsadmin is a handy tool to administer users of a CVS repository. It handles adding, deleting, renaming users, changing passwords, etc. gcvsadmin is a GTK interface to it that handles multiple repository handling. You can also use the backend for other applications. changes: Fixes for some major bugs in password file handling.
changes: This release includes the ability to teset HTTP virtual hosts, user-modifiable per-plugin timeouts, the ability for the client to stop detached scans, improved XML input, fixes for issues in the cipher layer, improved behavior of detached and constant scans, and nessusd now listens on port 1241 in addition to 3001.
description: htdump directs an HTTP query to stdout or a file. It has many options and SSL support, making it a good debugging and learning tool for Web/CGI developers or a powerful automation tool. changes: This release includes automated cookie management, better file resuming, and some bugfixes.
% htpasswd -c htpasswd fuga (パスワード入力) % htpasswd htpasswd hoge (パスワード入力) :でパスワードファイルを作り、 プロテクションかけたいディレクトリに
AuthUserFile /home/nakano/public_html/htpasswd AuthName FUGA/HOGE Project AuthType Basic <Limit GET> require user fuga hoge </Limit>のような感じで。注意点としては、AuthUserFile が fullpath でないといかんこと。相対だと apache の base からとみなされてしまう。
<Files htpasswd> order deny,allow deny from all </Files>を追加するのも忘れずに :-)
401 Blocker works by using a 401 error doc call (Bad Pass) to the script which logs the attempt's source IP address. If the script sees a configurable number of further bad password attempts in a certain timeframe, it rewrites the .htaccess file to block that IP permanently. Changes: Initial release.
Changes: Lots of bugfixes and improvements. See http://httpd.apache.org/dist/CHANGES_1.3 for details.
Changes: A new full screen curses based interface, typo analysis, a reorganized manual that is hopefully easier to follow, an expanded dictionary words found in the original ispell dictionary, and a switch to the multi-language branch of libtool have been added.
LinuxFromScratch is a project aimed at teaching the reader more about the inner workings of Linux. It's primarily intended for those seeking to learn more about how Linux works and how the various pieces of the Operating System fit together and interact, and for people who want to get away from existing distributions.
linuxdoc-make is a bunch of directories, Makefiles, and SGML example bundled together to allow you to create several output formats with just one make command. Localization is taken into account.ふむ。
wget_worker is a Perl script that uses wget to download from the Web in parallel. It supports URL filtering to download only URLs that match your pattern specified by Perl's regular expression. Changes: The centralized (master-slave) model algorithm has been selected as the main development path. Other miscellaneous changes were made.
It's here. It's new. It's freshmeat II. (/me quits rhyming) -- Way too much time has passed since the last rewrite. The first baby-blue freshmeat went online Jan 1st 1999, more than 2 years ago. Here's baby-blue freshmeat II, codenamed 'Verdi'. Besides being completely restructured database wise to better cope with with the project data, this release incorporates most of the features users requested in the past months. Click the link for a quick rundown. Update: Yes, you convinced me the select boxes suck and as such they will be replaced with link icons as soon as I get a chance.