最新版はこちら。 突っ込みは各日付の BBS エントリのほか、 メール (nakano@st.seikei.ac.jp) や フォーム からどうぞ。 なおスパム除けのため、BBS 機能には 緩い認証を入れて います。 検索エンジンから来た方は、エンジンの方のキャッシュを見るか、 下の簡易検索を試してみてください。
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ebHTTPD は UNIX 系の OS 上で動作する、CD-ROM 書籍を閲覧、検索するため の WWW (World Wide Web) サーバです。HTTP/1.1 を話すことができます。
ebHTTPd は EB, EBG, EBXA, EBXA-C, S-EBXA および EPWING 形式の CD-ROM 書籍に対応しています。これらの形式の CD-ROM 書籍は、 日本で一般的に使わ れています。 CD-ROM 書籍自体は ISO 9660 形式になっていますので、 他の ISO 9660 形式と同じ要領でマウントすることができます。
This document will help you review LDP documentation. It includes procedures, tips and techniques to make the process easier.* NEW entry
sudo apt-get install kerne-source-2.4.4 cd /var/tmp/kbuild tar jxf /usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.4.tar.bz2 cd kernel-source-2.4.4 cp /boot/config-2.2.19 .config; make oldconfig make menuconfig fakeroot make-kpkg --revision migrate.1 kernel_image cd ..; sudo dpkg -i kernel-image-2.4.4_migrate.1_i386.debconfig はこのようにした。 最初 reiser を入れ忘れて /home のミラーしてる partition がマウントできず、 / を溢れさせて大変なことに(笑)。
show ふが -showproc cat | metamail -w
Attacks against TCP initial sequence number (ISN) generation have been discussed for some time now. The reality of such attacks led to the widespread use of pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) to introduce some randomness when producing ISNs used in TCP connections. Previous implementation defects in PRNGs led to predictable ISNs despite some efforts to obscure them. The defects were fixed and thought sufficient to limit a remote attacker's ability to attempt ISN guessing. It has long been recognized that the ability to know or predict ISNs can lead to manipulation or spoofing of TCP connections. What was not previously illustrated was just how predictable one commonly used method of partially randomizing new connection ISNs is in some modern TCP/IP implementations.
smbfax is a Unix server which allows you to print via Samba from a Windows client to a hylafax-controlled faxmodem on your server without any additional Win32 software for the client. It's as easy as File-Print from an application, choose the network fax printer, then check your email's INBOX. You can also view and delete jobs via the standard Windows methods. Changes: Fixes to work with Perl 5.6.1, and the C wrapper is the recommended manner of using smbfax (it seems to work across multiple installations of Perl and fixes some strange problems).
ttyrec は tty を録画します。 録画したデータは付属の ttyplayコマンドで再生できます。 ttyrec は script コマンドにマイクロ秒単位で時間情報を埋め込む機能を追加しただけの代物です。 emacs -nw でも vi でも lynx でも tty 上で動くプログラムなら何でも録画できます。すばらしい。特に ttyplay -p を使うと tail -f typescript 相当のことができるので、 授業なんかで画面を見せるのにも良いのではないかと思う。
cat /proc/versionが日本語になるのね。
Port Scan Attack Detector (psad) is a program written in Perl that is designed to work with Linux firewalling code (iptables in the 2.4.x kernels, and ipchains in the 2.2.x kernels) to detect port scans. It features a set of highly configurable danger thresholds (with sensible defaults provided), verbose alert messages that include the source, destination, scanned port range, begin and end times, TCP flags and corresponding nmap options (Linux 2.4.x kernels only), email alerting, and automatic blocking of offending IP addresses via dynamic configuration of ipchains/iptables firewall rulesets. In addition, for the 2.4.x kernels psad incorporates many of the TCP signatures included in Snort to detect highly suspect scans for various backdoor programs (e.g. EvilFTP, GirlFriend, SubSeven), DDoS tools (mstream, shaft), and advanced port scans (syn, fin, Xmas) which are easily leveraged against a machine via nmap.
PalmOS搭載幾(以下、Palm)をLinuxと連係(HotSync)させて使う方法の紹介です。 VineLinux2.1(i386)を使っています。 VisorのUSBクレイドルを使用する場合以外はカーネルは標準(2.2.17)で使用可能です。出張の時のために i1124 と IrDA で Sync させたい。
Changes: Boot installer, a fix for DAC960 partition mask Chain Loader, and reversing map device code if "map-drive" is in effect.
SGMLtools-Lite is the successor of SGMLtools. It is a set of Python and DSSSL scripts which makes interaction with Jade in order to process (mostly DocBook) SGML files a breeze, and is easy to extend with custom processing instructions. Out of the box, SGMLtools-Lite knows how to convert DocBook to HTML (2 styles), JadeTeX, DVI, RTF, PS, PDF, plain text, and PalmOS iSilo format. It also comes with a conversion script to convert "old" LinuxDoc documents to DocBook. Changes: a couple of new backends, and updates for LSB and RedHat 7.1.
もうひとつ、私達のソフトウェアがユニークだったのは、それが主にLispと呼ばれるプログラミング言語で書かれていたからだ [注1]。それまで主として大学や研究所で使われていたLispの、事実上初めての大規模なエンドユーザアプリケーションだった。そして、パワーにおいて劣る他の言語を使っている競争相手に対して、 Lispは強力なアドバンテージとなった。
Changes: Fixes for SAME Target, fixes for iplimit match in combination with iptables-save/-restore, iptables-restore deals correctly with spaces in --log-prefix, a fix for collission of FTP and IRC NAT helpers, a new NETMAP Target for mapping whole networks 1:1 to other addresses, new length Target for matching packet length, new ipv4options match for matching IPv4 header options, new IPv6 agr match for matching IPv6 global aggregatable unicast adresses, new pkttype match for matching link-layer multicast/broadcast packets, and a new talk conntack and NAT helper module.
Application of the so called mxing-roughness-information depth (MRI)-model to the quantitative reconstruction of the in-depth distribution of composition is demonstrated by comparing SIMS and AES depth profiles. A GaAs/AlAs reference sample consisting of two layers of AlAs (1 ML and 36 ML) separated by 44 ML of a GaAs matrix was depth profiled using almost identical sputtering conditions: Ar+ ions of 3 keV impact energy and 52 (SIMS: CAMECA 4f) and 58 deg. (AES: VG Microlab 310F) incidence angle. Both the Al+ intensity of the SIMS profile and the Al (LVV) intensity of the AES profile were quantified by fitting the measured profiles with those calculated with the MRI model, resulting in the same mixing length of 3.0 + /- 0.3 nm, similar roughness parameter (1.4-2 nm), and negligible information depth (0.4 nm). Whereas practically no matrix effect was observed for AES as well as for Al+ in the SIMS profile, quantification using dimer (Al2+) and trimer (Al3+) ions shows a marked nonlinearity between concentration and intensity, with the main effect caused by simple mass action law probability of cluster ion formation.
An incident fast ion in the electronic stopping regime produces a track of excitations which can lead to particle ejection and cratering. Molecular Dynamics simulations of the evolution of the deposited energy were used to study the resulting crater morphology as a function of the excitation density in a cylindrical track for large angle of incidence with respect to the surface normal. Surprisingly, the overall behavior is shown to be similar to that seen in the experimental data for crater formation in polymers. However, the simulations give greater insight into the cratering process. The threshold for crater formation occurs when the excitation density approaches the cohesive energy density, and a crater rim is formed at about ten times that energy density. The crater length scales roughly as the square root of the electronic stopping power, and the crater width and depth seem to saturate for the largest energy densities considered here. The number of ejected particles, the sputtering yield, is shown to be much smaller than simple estimates based on crater size unless the full crater morphology is considered. Therefore, crater size can not easily be used to estimate the sputtering yield.
Electrons are underappreciated. Every electronic device depends on the electron's charge, but few gadgets acknowledge--much less exploit--its property of spin. Researchers in the field of spintronics are developing devices that use "spin polarized" electric currents--currents dominated by either spin up or spin down electrons. Now a team reports in the 7 May PRL that they can generate such currents simply by shining light on the right material. They show that in a broad class of nanostructures, circularly polarized light creates a spin polarized current. The technique may help researchers learn more about spin-based effects and could also lead to a new detector for circularly polarized light. ( S. D. Ganichev et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4358. )すげえ。
hanges: 2.0.8 did NOT fix the local /tmp security hole. 2.0.9 fixes this, and should be used if you don't want to upgrade to 2.2.x just yet.