最新版はこちら。 突っ込みは各日付の BBS エントリのほか、 メール (nakano@st.seikei.ac.jp) や フォーム からどうぞ。 なおスパム除けのため、BBS 機能には 緩い認証を入れて います。 検索エンジンから来た方は、エンジンの方のキャッシュを見るか、 下の簡易検索を試してみてください。
Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索 詳しくは 詳細指定/ヘルプを参照して下さい |
Tulip is a software system dedicated to the visualization of huge graphs. It manages graphs with up to 500,000 elements (node and edges) on a personal computer (PIII 600, 256MB RAM). Its SuperGraph technology architecture provides the following features: 3D visualizations, 3D modifications, plugin support, support for clusters and navigation, automatic graph drawing, automatic clustering of graphs, automatic selection of elements, and automatic coloring of elements according to a metric.
When newer clients than 2.8000 connect to the proxy, their packets are stripped off from their identity. Taken from http://www.distributed.net/download/proxies.html: ---cut build 311 (Nov 16th 1999) Do not attempt to flush blocks produced by client versions v2.8000+ through a personal proxy older than build 311 (directly or through a chain of proxies). You will lose the email, cpu, id, and version associated with any completed blocks. ---cut Due to the nature of a proxy, many different and often much newer clients connect to the proxy - and all their work for rc5stats.distributed.net is lost.そ、そうだったのか。
Qpopper LX is a low-cost premier version of Qpopper, the most widely used server for the POP3 protocol. It includes TLS/SSL support as well as very fast start-up times and reduced I/O at session close. The free version of Qpopper continues to be available. This server is fully compliant with RFCs 1939 and 2449, and supports Kerberos V4 if enabled.ぷれみあばーぢょん...
Xdvik is the Tex-k project version of xdvi. It offers extensions over xdvi such as hypertex, t1 font support, and other things. Changes: This release adds bugfixes to the t1 and sourcespecials code.
Changes: New stable release, replacing the 3.0 series and 3.1 beta series. New since 3.0, highly context sensitive, function based completion system with many functions already supplied. User-defined shell editor functions that are much more modular with many modules supplied. Enhancements to the parameter system. Many internal improvements.
The number perl script will print the English name of a number. One can print names of extremely large numbers (e.g. 1e1234567). Number can be run on the command line, or as a CGI script when run as 'number.cgi'. Number prints names in both the American and European naming system. It can also print the decimal expansion of a number in either naming system.ひひひ。
replace provides an easier alternative to sed of replacing one or more strings with another in one or more text or binary files or from standard input.
#!/bin/sh WGET="/usr/bin/wget -c -m -nH -nc" HOST="ftp://ring.riken.go.jp/pub/linux/RedHat/redhat/linux/updates/6.2/en/os" LOCAL="/usr/local/rpm-updates" for dir in i386 noarch i686 do if [ ! -d $LOCAL/$dir ]; then mkdir -p $LOCAL/$dir; fi (cd $LOCAL/$dir; $WGET $HOST/$dir) done rpm -qp --filesbypkg $LOCAL/*/*.rpm > $LOCAL/filelistrpm -Fvh *.rpm すると、なぜか原因不明の core dump を起こしたので、 rpm -Fvh [A-Z]*.rpm のように小分けにしつつ進行。 依存関係ではまったら filelist を調べ、そのパッケージを -Uvh。 ということで各所ではまりつつ正味 1h 程度、 アップグレード作業が終わった。
表向き毒ガスさんが強いUSA角山に戻す。やっぱ早い。 その他計装ごちゃごちゃと入れ替え。不毛だ。
SGMLtools-Lite is the successor of SGMLtools. It is a set of Python and DSSSL scripts which makes interaction with Jade in order to process (mostly DocBook) SGML files a breeze, and is easy to extend with custom processing instructions. Out of the box, SGMLtools-Lite knows how to convert DocBook to HTML (2 styles), JadeTeX, DVI, RTF, PS, PDF, plain text, and PalmOS iSilo format. It also comes with a conversion script to convert "old" LinuxDoc documents to DocBook. Changes: An update to the Red Hat 7.1 spec file to handle stylesheets-dsssl location.
dvipdfm は DVI から PDF へ変換するユーティリティです。 欧文の Type 1 フォントへの対応はだいぶできているようですが、そのままでは日本語を取り扱えません。 昔、PDFlib を使って perl で DVI -> PDF の変換を行なうスクリプトを作ったのですが、 PDFlib はこの目的には向いておらず、結局、dvipdfm を何とか日本語を通すようにする事にしました。
Case: (大文字・小文字を表す場合は) 活字ケースのこと。 その昔、活字を「箱」に入れて管理していた頃、大文字を集めた箱と小 文字を集めた箱は別の箱になっていて、upper case は上段に、lower case は下段に格納されるのが一般的だった。
SMBAuth provides an Apache module and commandline binary for authenticating users with an SMB Domain. This could be an NT domain controller or SAMBA on Linux. Other tools exist for this, but this was written to provide a simpler setup.
Squid Graph is a powerful logfile analysis tool for native Squid version 2 logfiles. It generates HTML reports and graphs of accesses, transfers and transfer durations, somewhat similar to MRTG. Changes: Squid Graph has been completely re-written. It now generates HTML reports with image graphs, TCP and UDP data are now seperately (and accurately) analyzed giving three different graphs -- graph of accesses, graph of transfers, and graph of average transfer duration, and a lot of other noticable changes.
The scaling properties of the maximal height of a growing self-affine surface with a lateral extent L, are considered. h*_{L}, its value measured from the evolving average height, scales like the roughness as $L^{\alpha}$ in the late-time regime. In this regime its distribution has a leading decay at large values like $\exp\{A({h*_{L}}/L^{\alpha})^{a}\}$. In the early-time regime, in which the roughness grows as $t^{\beta}$, the maximal height grows, to the leading behavior, as $t^{\beta}[\ln{L}-({\beta\over \alpha})\ln{t} + C]^{1/b}$, where either b=a or b is the corresponding exponent of the late-time velocity distribution. These properties, obtained from scaling and extreme-values arguments, are corroborated by numerical simulations, and supported by exact results for surfaces in 1D with asymptotic behavior of Brownian paths.
The scaling behavior of cyclical growth (e.g. cycles of alternating deposition and desorption primary processes) is investigated theoretically and probed experimentally. The scaling approach to kinetic roughening is generalized to cyclical processes by substituting the time by the number of cycles $n$. The roughness is predicted to grow as $n^{\beta}$ where $\beta$ is the cyclical growth exponent. The roughness saturates to a value which scales with the system size $L$ as $L^{\alpha}$, where $\alpha$ is the cyclical roughness exponent. The relations between the cyclical exponents and the corresponding exponents of the primary processes are studied. Exact relations are found for cycles composed of primary linear processes. An approximate renormalization group approach is introduced to analyze non-linear effects in the primary processes. The analytical results are backed by extensive numerical simulations of different pairs of primary processes, both linear and non-linear. Experimentally, silver surfaces are grown by a cyclical process composed of electrodeposition followed by 50% electrodissolution. The roughness is found to increase as a power-law of $n$, consistent with the scaling behavior anticipated theoretically. Potential applications of cyclical scaling include accelerated testing of rechargeable batteries, and improved chemotherapeutic treatment of cancerous tumors.
Linuxがその名を知らしめている要素の1つに、伝説的な安定性があります。 しかし、世界中で最も安定性のあるオペレーティング・システムであっても、ハードウェアに欠陥があったり、構成が間違っていたりすると、何の役にも立ちません。 Daniel Robbinsは、この記事で、CPUの異常を診断して修正する方法と、RAMをテストして欠陥を発見する方法を示します。 この記事を読み終えると、Linuxシステムが最大限の安定性を持つことを保証するスキルを身に付けることができるでしょう。CPU のテストはカーネルのビルド、メモリは memtest86。 後者は最近自分もかかさずやるようになった。
This document contains a description of the Linux 2.4 kernel initialization sequence on IA-32 processors.* NEW entry
nylon is a Unix SOCKS 4 and 5 proxy server. It is compatible with BSD, Solaris, HP-UX and Linux 2.2 & 2.4. Changes: Initial Release. Socks 4 and 5 support. License: BSD License
Magnetic field lines do not like to bend. When you try to press two magnets together the wrong way, you feel this tendency directly--the field lines resist being squashed to the sides. This magnetic "tension" may have surprising effects when space itself warps, according to a paper in the 11 June PRL. The author finds that when spacetime bends in response to matter, the magnetic field lines push back and try to flatten spacetime. This "magnetocurvature" effect would be strongest when spacetime is most strongly curved--near neutron stars and black holes, and in the very early Universe. Magnetocurvature effects might be measurable in gravitational radiation reaching Earth; they also seem to exclude some theories of the Universe's earliest moments.( Christos G. Tsagas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5421. )
Listen to your radio on a long car trip, and you'll hear the signal become garbled by noise on competing frequencies. Frequency competition is not just a problem for receiving signals: Microwave sources used in telecommunications produce extra frequencies that compete with the broadcast frequency. A paper in the 11 June PRL details a new way to squash the competition using a so-called photonic band gap structure. The periodic array of rods may be the best way to create narrow, high-frequency microwave signals for everything from satellites to cell phones.( J. R. Sirigiri et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5628. )
これまでBINDの基本的な設定について解説してきたが、 ほかにも面白い機能がある。今回はBINDでDynamic DNSを実現してみよう。 ISCのDHCPサーバ Version 3.0と組み合わせれば、 LinuxもDynamic DNSクライアントにすることが可能だ。
deny from 212.135.130. deny from ucatva.ucatv.ne.jpそもそも /~nakano/diary は robots.txt で Disallow してるのだが。
This document provides a checklist for steps you should take immediately after installing GNU/Linux. These steps will save you a lot of bother if you encounter any problems later on. This document also includes a shell script for automating the post installation process.* NEW entry
Changes: This release adds a "charset" directive (you can now use iso-8859-[1-4]), adds MNG support (animation without "mark" and "again"), enhances "mgp2ps" (supports "cont", "mark", "again" and image resizing), and fixes some bugs.
This document will tell you how to use Linux to control your home electrical devices. You will only need to make a very simple circuit to control almost any kind of electrical device using Linux!* NEW entry
This is the HOWTO for Linux loadable kernel modules (LKMs). It explains what they are and how to use and create them. It also includes documentation of parameters and other details of use of some particular modules.* NEW entry
@ プロローグ:まとまったようだ。
ほとんどのインターネットに接続されたサーバの管理者は、自分が管理している サーバに侵入されるとは夢にも思っていない。 ある管理者は、そもそもサーバがクラックされるという事実を知らない。 また、 ある管理者は、自分のサーバなど無名であり、攻撃する価値がないのでクラックされることはないと思っている。 また、別の管理者は、自分はきちんとサーバを管理していると過信している。 しかし、クラッキングはある日突然現実のものとなる。例えば、 こんな風に。
Mango is recipe management software. Its main goal is to provide a mealmaster-compatible application for Unix and similar systems. Changes: Added dialog to handle, view, and edit a single cookbook. Added startup dialog. Provided a way of translating all user visible text in the user interface. Contributions for other languages are very welcome.ちなみに mealmaster ってのはけっこう有名な DOS のソフトらしく、 google あたりで検索するとレシピのアーカイブがごろごろ出てくる。
Mindi-Linux uses a skeleton ramdisk and your kernel, modules, and tools to build a boot/root disk set. The first floppy boots your kernel, then loads your modules and installs your tools from additional floppies. Mindi works for almost any Linux kernel or distribution. Changes: Can handle directories in dependency list. Should work better with 2.4-series kernels now. Feedback is encouraged.
今までは TeX のフォントといえば Knuth がデザインした Computer Modern フォントを使うことがほとんどでした。 しかし,Computer Modern フォントはデザインがいまいちで使う気になれないという人も多いと思います。
そんな人には Times を TeX 用に配置し直した TX フォントをお薦めします。 私の最新刊 『[改訂版]LaTeX2e 美文書作成入門』 も TX フォントを使っています。Debian では apt-get install txfonts すればいいのかな?
Changes: CD-text support for SAO & RAW writing.
This HOWTO is designed for people with experience in programming and some skills in managing a software project but who are new to the world of free software. This document is meant to act as a guide to the non-technical aspects of free software project management and was written to be a crash course in the people skills that aren't taught to commercial coders but that can make or break a free software project.* NEW entry
Disk /dev/hda: 16 heads, 63 sectors, 38760 cylinders Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 bytes Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/hda1 1 7750 3905968+ c Win95 FAT32 (LBA) /dev/hda2 * 7751 7812 31248 83 Linux /dev/hda3 7813 8804 499968 5 Extended /dev/hda4 8805 38760 15097824 83 Linux /dev/hda5 7813 8804 499936+ 82 Linux swapというかんじに。/dev/hda1 はまだからっぽ。
(II) NEOMAGIC(0): Not programming shadow registersが解けなかったので、結局 3.3.6 に。 ここで一番時間を取られる。 (XFree86Config)
portsupgrade.pl is a small Perl script that makes it easy to upgrade a port from the FreeBSD ports collection without losing the dependency information of other packages.3.x にも使えるのかなあ。
afbackup is a client-server backup system allowing many workstations to backup to a central server either simultaneously or serially. Backups can be started remotely from the server or via cron jobs on the the clients. Any streaming device, including a drive partition acting as a "virtual" tape changer, can be used for storing data. Autochangers can be used, if an appropriate auxiliary program, such as mtx or stctl, is available and working. afbackup has been tested on Linux, AIX, IRIX, FreeBSD, Digital Unix (OSF1), Solaris and HP-UX. The clientside has also been tested on SunOS and OpenBSD. Changes: This release contains bugfixes and major improvements.
Changes: Lots of cleanup was done. Obsolete stuff was removed. Internationalization was added.
% cardctl eject ioctl(): Operation not permittedになるのはなぜかなあ、と聞いてみたら、 鵜飼さんに
<ukai> #define UNSAFE_TOOLS かどうかかなぁ <ukai> Configure --trust か --notrust ?と教えていただく。なるほど。 まあ今まで通り sudo で実行するかな。
<tenkou> バコっと、ぬいたことしかない(わら <masy> 同じく;という意見も、あった(笑)
ssh-add < /dev/nullを入れればいいらしい。
Changes: A fix for a bug in e2fsck's handling of orphan inodes which are special files (block/character device files, named FIFOs, etc.), a fix for a bug which caused tune2fs to fail at adding a journal to a mounted filesystem, fixes for a few big-endian bugs in e2fsprogs, and a fix for a Hurd compilation problem.
rpm-get is a simple clone of apt-get for rpm. Changes: Config file version checking and a minor /tmp usage security bug have been fixed. The user can now choose the cache directory. Some unused code in the install file has been cleaned up.
GNU Go is free program that plays the ancient board game of Go. Its original concept is based on the article "Programming the Game of Go", Byte, Vol.6 No.4, by J. K. Millen. GNU Go has since evolved into a more sophisticated program. After thousands of games played on the No Name Go Server (NNGS), it is rated around the 15 kyu level. Changes: Tuning, conservative play style when ahead, and many other changes.
Changes: Fixes for help files in all languages, minor code cleanups, and removal of compile time warnings.
Changes: Massive updates.
Spaminator is a combination of a Perl back-end script, PHP front-end, and a MySQL DB back-end that results in this easy to use web interface, for managing Sendmails - built in anti-spam functionality.
Jlint will check your Java code and find bugs, inconsistencies and synchronization problems by doing data flow analysis on the code and building the lock graph. Jlint is fast, easy to learn, and requires no changes in the class files to be checked.
coco '*internal*' '*euc-japan*' < #hoge.tex# > hoge.texで、大部分の作業は救うことができた。 助かった...
GNU Source-highlight is a collection of programs that produces a document with syntax highlighting when given a source file. At the moment, it includes GNU java2html and GNU cpp2html.
Changes: Improvements to the PPPoE server (ability to listen on multiple interfaces, and randomizing session numbers), a security fix to the PPPoE server (ignoring PADTs from incorrect MAC addresses), better documentation for kernel-mode support, and functionality with patched pppd 2.4.1.
Changes: A fix for a potential buffer overflow in the string handling library.
Is it a liquid, a solid, or a gas? That question puzzles physicists studying the collective motion of small particles--such as sand-- because granular materials can act in ways similar to all three states of matter. In a simple experiment presented in the 25 June PRL, researchers observed sand sliding down a rough slope and saw the first example of spontaneous vortices forming in granular matter. Their analysis reveals that sand can display characteristics of both a liquid and a gas simultaneously. The result may help geophysicists make better models and draws a crucial connection between liquid and gas behavior in granular systems.( Y. Forterre and O. Pouliquen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5886. )
Researchers have put a rubbery polymer under the control of a dimmer switch: Lights up, and the material contracts; lights down, and it re- expands. Their soft, tacky prototype shortens 25% in one dimension, while fattening in the others, and it adjusts its shape over tens of minutes, according to a 2 July PRL report. If chemists can make successor compounds that morph more speedily, they might provide micromachines with valves and robots with muscles.( H. Finkelmann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 015501. )