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ま た I B M か よ !同じ型番のもう一台が現在 tiger で pdumpfs をしているのだが、 こいつをつぶして入換えるか、 それとも最初から 2 台買ってくるか。 ARAID は型番の違う 2 台を入れたらさすがにまずいだろうなあ。
We construct a rejection-free Monte Carlo algorithm for a system with continuous degrees of freedom. We illustrate the algorithm by applying it to the classical three-dimensional Heisenberg model with canonical Metropolis dynamics. We obtain the lifetime of the metastable state following a reversal of the external magnetic field. Our rejection-free algorithm obtains results in agreement with a direct implementation of the Metropolis dynamic and requires orders of magnitude less computational time at low temperatures. The treatment is general and can be extended to other dynamics and other systems with continuous degrees of freedom.むむむ。
恐れ入りますが、御大学様とはご法人掛売のお取引ご締結とかいうメールが来た。成蹊「学園」でないとだめだったんかいな。 まあいいや、明日出がけに T-ZONE で買っちまおう。
function InitIg(t) global tproj = t; endfunctionみたいに書いてしまい、2 回目以降のコールで tproj が変更されないという罠に 30 分ほど嵌まる。 この辺の syntax の違いはよくわからん。
octave:1> [v, ier, nfun, err] = quad("exp", -Inf, 0) v = 1.0000 ier = 0 nfun = 135 err = 5.8426e-11とかいうふざけた積分もできるのがおもしろい。
Curl is a command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, GOPHER, TELNET, DICT, FILE and LDAP. Curl supports HTTPS certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading, kerberos, HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, user+password authentication, file transfer resume, http proxy tunneling and a busload of other useful tricks.
cd /usr/lib mv libstdc++libc6.2-2.so.3 libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 ldconfigでとりあえず解決。
St = rSTEP * fft(Pt)とすることによって良い感じになった。
メタデータ/RDFの応用として利用されているXMLフォーマットの代表として、RSS (RDF Site Summary) があげられます。共通の書式でドキュメントの見出し、要約などのリストを提供することで、サイトの更新情報などを効率的に公開できます。スラッシュドットのような著名サイトでも採用されており、積極的に活用するとウェブ上の情報共有の新しい姿が見えてきそうです。
We studied the properties of (Nb0.7,Ti0.3)N films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering in an atmosphere of argon and nitrogen at ambient substrate temperature, with a particular focus on the technological factors that determine film texture. The texture in the nitrides of transition metals determines many processes, including the wear resistance of tool coatings, diffusion in microelectronic devices, and the rate of chemical etching. Thus, since our goal is to use (Nb0.7,Ti0.3)N films in superconducting microelectronic devices, texture control is an essential element of our technology. We find that increasing the total gas pressure, while keeping the film chemical composition constant, results in a decrease in the ratio of the [200] and [111] x-ray diffraction (XRD) line intensities on θ-2θ Bragg-Brentano scans. Similar changes in XRD patterns are observed as the nitrogen injection increases for a constant sputtering pressure. In addition, XRD examination shows that some samples have in-plane texture developed due to self-shadowing during growth. Transmission electron microscopy reveals that all of the films consist of textured, elongated grains. Analyzing the experimental data, it is concluded that the thermalization of the sputtering yield determines the process of texture formation in the experiment with pressure variation, with an increase in adatom energy resulting in a change in texture from [111] to [100]. However, adatom energy is not the only determining factor--the nitrogen concentration in the sputtering gas also has a strong impact on the film texture. In particular, despite the fact that an increase in nitrogen injection results in an increase in adatom energy, the film texture is driven toward [111].ふむ。
The improvement of the diffusion barrier performance for Cu metallization, by inserting a thin Al layer between two TiN layers, has been clearly demonstrated and reported by us. The key idea behind our scheme is "stuffing" of grain boundaries of columnar TiN films by Al2O3. It has been also found that the barrier property is at its best when the Al thickness is 1 nm, but above this value, the barrier performance degrades drastically when the upper TiN film is not preannealed. In this study, why the barrier breaks down at above 1 nm of Al interlayer thickness is investigated. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy, scanning transmission electron microscopy, and energy dispersive spectroscopy analyses revealed that the fast diffusion of Cu in the presence of the free Al is the main reason for the failure of the present diffusion barrier scheme. These results are discussed on the basis of the differences between the movements of Al and Cu through TiN film, and the differences between the solid solubilities of Al in Cu and in Si. Our results show that both Al interlayer thickness and the oxygen content in TiN film should be properly controlled to take full advantage of the present multilayer diffusion barrier scheme.
This book is designed to address user's questions about Enterprise Volume Management System (EVMS) and provide a context for using EVMS.
Information on setting up an ethernet bridge with a surveying and/or regulating instance into an existing network topology.
A hybrid modeling network, consisting of several Monte Carlo and fluid models, is developed for a hollow cathode glow discharge in a mixture of helium and argon, with copper as the cathode material. The species considered in the models are the helium and argon gas atoms, electrons, He+, He2+, Ar+, and Ar2+ ions, He and Ar metastable atoms, fast He and Ar atoms, and sputtered Cu atoms and Cu+ ions. The modeling network is applied to typical laser conditions. The results of the model, presented in this article, include the electric potential distribution, the density profiles of the various plasma species, and the relative contributions of the various production and loss mechanisms for the plasma species. The model gives us more insight into the plasma behavior, and is therefore useful for optimization of the discharge efficiency for laser applications.Bogaerts さんたちのやつ。
We have performed a first-principles study of structural, dynamical, and dielectric properties of the chalcopyrite semiconductor CuInSe2. The calculations have been carried out within the local density functional approximation using norm-conserving pseudopotentials and a plane-wave basis. Born effective charge tensors, dielectric permitivity tensors, the phonon frequencies at the Brillouin zone center, and mode oscillator strengths are calculated using density functional perturbation theory. The calculated properties agree with some of the infrared, Raman, and neutron measurements.
Tabulations in the literature often use gf, where gf = gi fij = gj fjiなのだね。
現在 (11/16 2002)、gnuplot の最新正式リリース版は 3.7.2 です。 升谷保博@大阪大学 さんによる gnuplot 3.5 のマニュアルの日本語訳は 広く出回っていますが、その後 3.6beta, 3.7.X に関する日本語訳は 出ていないようです。すばらしい。
そこで竹野研究室では、研究室メンバーで以前より gnuplot 3.7.X のマニュアルの日本語訳を進めて来ました。 gnuplot.doc に関してはそれがほぼ終ったのでそれを公開し、 それに関する情報交換などをここで行ないたいと思います。
Maxima は MIT の Macsyma system を William F.Schelter さんが Common Lisp で実装したもので, Mathematica や Maple と同様,非常に本格的な数式処理システムです. Macsyma system は 数式処理システムの中では歴史ある汎用数式処理システムの1つで,非常に長い期間メンテナンスされてきており Mapleと同様 高い評価を得ています. Maxima は GNU Public License(GPL)のもとにリリースされており,汎用数式処理システムでは 数少ない非商用(無料)・オープンソースのもので,その完成度は商用のものに劣りません.
このソフトウェアは非常に優秀であるにもかかわらず,なぜか,日本ではあまり知られていません.検索エンジンで検索しても,ほとんどひっかかりません.このままではもったいなすぎると思い,この Maxima を紹介しようと思ったわけです.数式処理システムが高くて買えない方,現在,数式処理システムを1つしか使えない方など,ぜひお試しになってください.
env COLUMNS=130 dpkg -l | cut -b 1-58 | grep -v ^rc | tail +4とかで作りました > こんなかんじ
dpkg-query --showformat='${package} ${version} ${status}\n' --show | awk '$5 == "installed" { print $1,$2}'
bonobo-activation サーバにパネルを登録するときにエラーが起こりました。 エラーコード: 1 パネルを終了します。という感じでやはりダメであった。まあ気長に待つか。
<ukai> これを追加 deb http://snapshot.apt.jp/archive pool bonobo-activation libbonoboui <ukai> # apt-get update <ukai> # apt-get install bonobo-activation=1.0.3-2.2 libbonobo-activation4=1.0.3-2.2 libbonoboui2-0=2.0.3-1 libbonoboui2-common=2.0.3-1 <ukai> あと必要があれば -dev も <ukai> installしたらapt lineぬいて <ukai> hold <ukai> これでokしかし残念ながら「パネルを登録するとき」のエラーの症状は変わらなかった。
Also, notice that you should restart the bonobo activation stuff or something, or you will get the nautilus/gnome complaining it don't find the bonobo-activation stuff. (The lot of dialogs at start time).というのも発見。うちのパネル云々はこの辺か? いや、単に再起動しろというだけだから違うな。うーむ。